Thursday, October 31, 2019
Criminal Cases in Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Criminal Cases in Healthcare - Essay Example The identified case for review is available from The New York Times. Flegenheimer authored the article that was published on 25 May 2012. In the case, a patient called Martin was awarded 120 million dollars as compensation for brain damage caused by negligence among healthcare personnel. The identified liability was proportionately shared among five parties, Jacobi Medical Centre, Kings County Hospital Centre, Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Centre, healthcare personnel and the plaintiff (Flegenheimer, 2012, p. 1). Facts of the case identify mismanagement of the patient’s treatment at the different hospitals where she sought medical attention because of seizure. The allegedly improper care led to health complications including Martin’s brain damage and adverse skin complication (Flegenheimer, 2012). The scope of the case identifies professional malpractice – negligence – among the involved care personnel with a limited scope of contributory negligence from the plaintiff. Based on the essentials of a contract, as implied by a physician-patient relationship, healthcare personnel and a care organization, by vicarious liability, have legal obligations to handle a patient with uttermost care that is reasonable within the professional practice. Failure to observe such care identifies criminal and civil negligence (Witt, 2006). Martin’s position as a patient at the care facilities and her subsequent injuries satisfy the legal essentials of negligence that includes existence of a duty of care, breach of that duty and a subsequent loss due to the breach (Madden, 2003). Contributory negligence, however, partially shifts liability to the patient (Lunenburg & Ornstein, 2007). The doctrine of negligence and contributory negligence implies liability on both the defendant and the plaintiff for failing to take due care in managing the plaintiff’s conditions. The care
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3
Organizational Behavior - Essay Example Thus, some biased individuals cannot perform at the highest level, because of their own prejudices. Actually, biases are too powerful triggers of negative energy and emotions. Moreover, employees can be exposed to biases of the managers and employers. In the result of this type of biased context and relations, qualified people can be excluded from their future successful careers or effective performance at work. There are two main categories of biased people. The first group holds a stronger implicit bias and another group of people are less biased. It is possible to differentiate and claim that there are 2 main types of biases: a counter intentional and unconscious bias. In accordance with this classification, even the person with good intentions, reputation and many other positive traits can let his biased ideas and intentions go. Managers are responsible for prevention of biases. For example, they can motivate an employee's performance, involve a superior character of employee's d evelopments and cooperate with employees effectively at different levels. There is a famous case Thomas v. Kodak where an implicit bias was identified. The court claimed that they identified "subjective evaluations which could easily mask covert or unconscious race discrimination" (Banaji, Bazerman & Chugh, 2003). In this case we can consider a corporate liability and creation of a stable basis for prevention of potential biases in the future. One of possible ways out of dealing with biases is the Implicit Association Test. A person can reveal his hidden biased beliefs if he passes this type of test. For example, he can think about association triggered in his head, when he looks at the words connected with images of different people. Data obtained in the result of tests processed... This paper stresses that cognitive loading implies a large number of ethical issues concerning the use of the faking warning. Whether it is a breach of professional ethics or not is a challenging question. Personal issues should be considered and biases can be revealed in the process of test's application. On the basis of obtained results, it is possible for the managers of the organization to define levels of biases classification. However, it is possible to introduce a certain degree of coaching in the Company and conduct further research on various biases. In other words, even if the cases of biases in the organization are identified, it is possible to develop possible strategies to deal with them. It can be claimed that not always application of Item Response Theory may be helpful in identifying biased persons who provided faked answers. In the majority of cases, IRT is based on a mathematical model and the relationship between test-takers' levels on the personality trait being m easured and their ability to choose different types of response of a certain personality test item. This report makes a conclusion that biased prejudices exist in the modern organizations. The basic sources of prejudices and biases are racism and sexism. A person can be biased either intentionally or not. It is relevant to identify a biased nature of a potential employee to foster the organization's progress. Modern society and media pervert moral judgments of people and there is no one to be blamed for biases, but only people. We have developed the world we live in. We have created conditions for biases development and it is on our behalf to deal with social prejudices biases.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What Is Syariah Law By Meaning Philosophy Essay
What Is Syariah Law By Meaning Philosophy Essay The term Sharia itself derives from the verb sharaa, which according to Abdul Mannan Omars Dictionary of the Holy Quran connects to the idea of spiritual law and system ofdivine law; way of belief and practice (45:18) in the Quran. Definition of Sharia law. Sharia (Arabic: Ø ©ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¹Ãƒâ„¢Ã… Ø ±ÃƒËœÃ‚ ´ ; also SharÄ «ah, Sharia, Shariahor Syariah) is the Arabic word for Islamic law, also known as the Law of Allah. The word sharia mean the right path, refers to traditional Islamic law. The Sharia comes from the Koran, the sacred book of Islam, which Muslims consider the actual word of God. The Sharia also stems from the Prophet Muhammads teachings and interpretations of those teachings by certain Muslim legal scholars. Muslims believe that Allah (God) revealed his true will to Muhammad, who then passed on Allahs commands to humans in the Koran. Islam classically draws no distinction between religious, and secular life. Hence Sharia covers not only religious rituals, but many aspects ofday-to-day life, politics, economics, banking, business or contract law, social issues and legal rules, is more than legal system, strictly speaking. Islam is al-deen which is the way of life. Sources of sharia law. Basically the primary sources of sharia law are the Quran, Hadiths or Sunnah which is the sayings, practices, and teachings of the Prophet Mohammed. The secondary sources are ijma, qiyas, ijtihad and istihsan. School of Sharia law No. Schools of sharia law Explanation 1. Hanbali Most conservative school of Shari`a. Used in Saudia Arabia . 2. Maliki Based on the practices of the people of Medina during Muhammads lifetime. 3. Shafii Emphasizes on opinions, companions of the Prophet Muhammad 4. Hanifi Most liberal school, relatively open to some limited modern ideas. WHAT IS HUDUD LAW BY MEANING? Etymology. It means limits, or forbidden and also as definition. The root word is derived from the Arabic hadd. Literally hudud (Arabic, also transliterated hadud, hudood; singular hadd, Ø Ø ¯, literal meaning limit, or restriction) is the word often used in Islamic literature for the bounds of acceptable behaviour and the punishments for serious crimes. Definition of hudud. In Islamic law or Sharia, hudud usually refers to the class of punishments that are fixed for certain crimes that are considered to be claims of God. They include theft, fornication and adultery (zina), consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants (khamr), and apostasy. According to Islamic dictionary hudu law is define as muslim law: divine punishments; the category of crimes most egregious and therefore most severely punished. Sharia is an Arabic word meaning the right path. Crimes in Islam Crimes under Islamic Law can be broken down into 3 major categories. Each will be discussed in greater detail with some common law analogies. The three major crime categories in Islamic Law are: Hadd Crimes [plural Hudud] (most serious), Tazir Crimes (least serious), Qisas Crimes (revenge crimes restitution). Hudud crimes. Hadd crimes are those which are punishable by a pre-established punishment found in the Quran. These most serious of all crimes are found by an exact reference in the Quran to a specific act and a specific punishment for that act. There is no reducing the punishment for a Hadd crime. Hadd crimes have no minimum or maximum punishments attached to them. The punishment system is comparable to the determinate sentence imposed by some judges in the United States. If you commit a crime, you know what your punishment will be. No judge can change or reduce the punishment for these serious crimes. The Hadd crimes are: Murder, Apostasy from Islam (Making war upon Allah and His messengers), Theft, Adultery, Defamation (False accusation of adultery or fornication), Robbery, Alcohol-drinking (any intoxicants) The first four Hadd crimes have a specific punishment in the Quran. The last three crimes are mentioned but no specific punishment is found. Thus the last three crimes, the punishment falls into taazir crimes which the punishment is declared by the government. Punishments under hudud law. Hudud punishments are the severe penalities prescribed by sharia for offenses defined as being against God himself. The punishments for these crimes are seen as divinely ordained and cannot be changed by humans. Methods of Execution HOW SYARIAH AND HUDUD LAW APPLIED IN MALAYSIA? According to Islam, a state which use holy quran and prophets tradition as its state constitution and the law that govern the people is an Islamic law is an Islamic state. The rulers also must be elected from muslim members in their community. Article 3 of the Federal Constitution stated that Islam is the religion of the Federation. But as such stated in Article 11 of the Federal Constitution is that every person have the right to profess and practice their own religion and subject to Clause 4, to propagate it. Article 3 merely declares that Islam is the official religion of the federation. It does not declare as does Constitution of Pakistan that the federation is an Islamic state. In Malaysia, although sharia law is applicable to all Muslim, but it only deals with family law and the division of property. Not all chambers of sharia law is applied in Malaysia. Basically for crime, the punishment is laid down in Penal Code. Recently, the government of Kelantan express their intention to impose hudud law in Malaysia while the other opposition side refuse to, especially DAP which their members all are non-muslim and Parti Keadilan Rakyat. Taking into consideration how you wanted to govern the people which are not muslim and didnt have faith in it, to follow its rules? As rational human beings, naturally we understand that in life there is such a thing as limits to whatever we can do or experience in all that takes place upon ourselves or others for the matter. No matter what particular matter or issue that we want to dwell upon or commit, we know that the law of nature always prevails over us or any circumstances. How much can we eat? How much can we drink? How much can we carry? How fast can we go? How long do we want to live? There are just so many things that we can keep asking each and everyone of you reading this and almost always you will agree with me that there is only a certain amount of things or eventualities that can take place. History is the best teacher of us all where it concerns matters that mankind are so desperately after? Power, strength, youth, beauty, libido, masculinity, femininity, authority, wealth, all the spoils of this earthly life that one can imagine and crave for? Reflect back to our coming into being. From a embryo after being conceived by our mother as a result of the physical union of our parents, we develop from stage to stage and eventually become a fully formed human baby in our mothers womb and at the appropriate time and moment decided by Allah the Almighty, we are born and delivered into this earthly realm. If we had stayed any longer in our mothers womb, there might be a danger both to our mother and to us as an infant ready to come out into this world. There is a certain limit to pregnancy. Thats a form of hadd or limit. Coming back to the main gist of this posting, we now have to understand what the Hudud in Islam means? As stated above, the ulama of Fiqh define hudud to be a Code of Punishments to be implemented by the authorities in an Islamic nation upon criminal acts carried out by the offenders who are proven without a doubt to be guilty of such crimes and upon conviction be punished as decreed by the Almighty. It is tosaid that if hudud law will be enacted in Malaysia, some of the execution must be recheck and change to suit the society now. As such, there is no provision for any punishments decreed by Allah SWT to be reduced, added on or altered by Mankind. The Hudud is Allahs Rights upon us Mankind. Criminal punishments upon those found to be guilty according to the Hudud Laws can not be dropped against the criminal or criminals by any individual or society as a whole. The Hudud Laws are meant to be a safeguard from the Almighty to protect human society from all forms of crime and to preserve peace, social orderliness and to ensure the safety of the general public. Any form of wrongdoing committed by any individual or group is to be judged according to what has been laid down in the Supreme Constitution of Allah SWT in the form of the Holy Al Quran Al Karim and as per the Hadiths of His Greatest and Final Messenger to all Mankind, the Blessed Prophet Muhammad S.W.T. Part A ( Chart Research ) SUGGESTION TO IMPLEMENT THESE LAWS ONTO NON-MUSLIMS. There is suggestion to implement these laws onto non-muslims, but, question arise whether this is workable? Our group had divided into three categories during our research and analysis on this suggestion where we suggested to divide the opinion to the basic of 3 findings, which consist most general(society Malaysia), less general(MMU student), and specific(lecturer and legal expertise). First category is on the views given by society in Malaysia. CHART 1 : MALAYSIAN CITIZENS VOTES ( Based on Poll Opinion on Internet ) The second category is according to the societies votes in Malaysia included those non-Malaysians who lived in Malaysia. Chart 2 : MMU Votes According the chart above, which derived from the poll, survey and interviews that made by our group. There were 30% of Muslims in Malaysia totally disagreed to implement these laws in Malaysia, and, 10% of them agreed to implement it in Malaysia, 2% of them were neutral positions. While, for the votes given by non-Muslims in Malaysia, there were 35% disagreed and none of them vote for agree or neutral. On the other hand, Muslims but not citizens of Malaysian gave 5% agreed and 5% disagreed towards the suggestion but none of them give votes for neutral. Lastly, the non-Muslims for those who are not the citizens of Malaysia, totally disagreed by giving 15% of the votes. It can be conclude that 85% of the Malaysian citizens totally disagreed on the suggestion to implement these laws onto non-Muslims. Some of them said that there will be no equality and justice to those who has no beliefs in the religions. Not only that, there is also some sayings that the law is too excessive and strict to adapt in current society. There will be difficulties and challenges that government and society will face if they impose the law. LECTURER`S VIEW CHART 1 : Lecturer view`s and opinion`s In this chart, we can see that among 9 lecturers that had been interviewed, there were 5 lecturers that totally disagreed of the suggestion to implement these laws onto non-Muslims. One of them is Miss Nur Fazini Asro Binti Ramizi Sulaiman, which in her opinion, she said that As for me, the suggestion to implement hudud law to non -Muslims is unreasonable. This is because if it is to be look upon the legal perspectives itself, the Syariah law only has the jurisdiction within the matter of MUSLIMS only. The interpretation in the statute itself has define, who are to be governed within this kind of law. For an example, a non-Muslim cannot become a syariee law, only a Muslim can be a syariee law, same goes to the syariah law (implementation only to Muslim). Thus it may be seem to complicated if arguments, suggesting hudud law are to be implement to non-Muslims. Not only that, Dr. Mohamed Ishak Bin Abdul Hamid also stated in his opinion that Hudud law ,is created only to govern the one who are professing the religion of Islam, and as for non-Muslims , it shall be unfair for them, for hudud law to be impose on them , due to their lack of knowledge, pertaining on Hudud law. On the other hand, the other 4 lecturers were in neutral opinions. Neither agreed nor disagreed. According to Sir Gary Ng Kit Min, If it to be look upon to in this matter, it may be divided into 2 aspect which is, in religion perspectives and the legal system perspectives. If in religion perspectives, the syariah law, should be apply to muslim only, not to non-muslim ,but if in legal perspectives, if the parliament passed a law, that which provides that the syariah law shall be the supremacy law in the country, thus the citizens (Muslim and non) cannot do anything except to accept it as the law of the country. As for Sir Jeong CP, have a different view pertaining on this matter, the religion is not wrong, if the question to be arose, such issues. Every religion have its own way in culturing of the individual who professing the religion itself, It its to be look in more liberal way, the religion is never wrong, it is one who are professing the religion are to be blamed for not giving the detail reason for his or her act. For an example, if it`s to be look in one principle of a car and a driver, the driver drive a car later caught into accident, who`s to be blame? The car or the driver.? The car is never to be blamed, as it had given, its fullest performance, well as for the driver? it may be the driver fault, maybe he was negligence when driving the car . Same goes to the religion, if there`s any defect, mischief or any mistake occurs to the society due to action done by an individual who professing such religion, it for them ( the individual ) to be blamed, as he or she has been negligence. The Al-Quran had put such many various way, to protect the maslahah (life in word and hereafter ) of individual, and any action done by an individual must have the sebabasbab ( reason ) .The society have been much liberal nowdays, any action done, must come with justifications and reason. Then the society may somehow be much open minded to receive any law to govern them, to develop a better society. Part B ( Articles and Newspaper Reviews ) ARTICLES SUMMARY [Hudud Law being applied in Terengganu, Malaysia] [1] As being shown in the article itself, Hudud Bill was being drafted by the Terengganu State Government and it constitutes a gross violation of the principles of justice and equality in Islam. Its being said that under this Hudud Bill, women who reported to been raped if being unable to provide evidence for the said statement, will be charged for slanderous accusation and 80 lashes; an unmarried woman who gets pregnant is assumed to have committed zina, [2] even if she has been raped; also a women cannot be taken as a witness for a case. The question arise here would be, how is this constitutional in the eyes of the law? In Malaysia we have a supreme law which is the Federal Constitution (FC) and under the FC, it provides equality section which made all persons equal before the law and entitle to an equal protection of law. The Hudud however, contradicts with the provision of the FC as it mentioned no discrimination shall occur in favor of any person under Art.8 of the FC [3]à ‚ . It is important to note that all criticisms of Islam and its defense mainly rotate around its approach to women rights. Theres many criticism as to why Hudud shouldnt be applied in Malaysia, but the criticism is primarily focused on the stringent requirements of four reputable witnesses for offences such as adultery and qazaf [4] which according to them makes conviction for the abovecrime almost impossible.The evidence that could support the charge of adultery are the confession of either orboth the accused persons and/or eyewitness testimony made by four males, who are of justifiable and credible character. Anything else is merely circumstantial evidence and not admissible in a hadd prosecution. [5] Going back to the article itself again, question to be asked would be whether it would be unjust for the law to come out with a punishment of flogging 80 lashes if a clear proof of the rape committed couldnt be shown? The answer itself, lies under Art.8 of the FC as in the ca se of PP v DatukHarun bin Haji Idris [6] , where Suffian LP laid down the principle stating that if a law itself is discriminatory, one should see whether it falls within the exceptions allowed by the FC and if its not, it cant be said as a good law. As the situation laid down here, if we insist to apply Hudud into the Malaysian Legal System, even to the non-Muslim, it would definitely be unjust and contradicts with our Constitution as it is not obeying the provisions laid under Art.8 of the FC, which the equality of all before the law. Tun Dr. Mahathir, our ex-PM commented at the Hududs condition on rape offence, whereby four witnesses are required to convict a perpetrator, that today we have the modern equivalent tool of DNA. You can collect evidence of rape through collecting DNA samples and compare them with the offender.In Islam, the most important thing is justice. When you judge, you must make sure justice has been served. If you judge knowing clearly that this is unjust, then I think it is un-Islamic, he said. [7] And not to forget, Art.11 of the FC is interpreted itself to mean freedom of religion and therefore it is supposed to be a guarantee against prosecution on the basis of choice of religion thats being propagated. As for the effect of the Hudud on the gender relations if its being applied in Malaysia, there are many provisions in the Hudud discriminate against women. Women will not be accepted as witnesses and women are also most likely to be prosecuted for slander if they are not able to prove rape, which contradicts which our current provision of the Constitution. While in cases of adultery women which becomes pregnant will immediately be charged for the offence while it will be impossible to charge the male partner because of the requirement of four male Muslim witnesses. Evidence for rape is ocular evidence of four adult male witnesses or confession of the accused. The victims own statement has no testimonial value. Even if medical examination is taken and a sexual act has been proved to have taken place, the accused can still be acquitted. The woman is then convicted of zina. The onus is upon the victim to prove that she was not a consenting party to her rape. Even minors can be convicted of zina, unlike what is provided in the existing penal code, where consent of a minor is immaterial and statutory rape is applicable. All of these will then be causing gender discrimination in our country and the equality provision under the Constitution will therefore become unreliable under the provision of the Hudud if being applied here, in our country. ARTICLES SUMMARY [Hudud Law being applied in Saudi Arabia] Traditional Islamic law has become the basis for criminal law systems in Islamic countries. The most notable example of this is Saudi Arabia, where the Quran and Sunnah form the basis for the government and the legal system. Political Background Article 1 of the Constitution states that: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic state with Islam as its religion; Gods Book and the Sunnah of His Prophet, Gods prayers and peace be upon him, are its constitution, Arabic is its language and Riyadh is its capital [8] The legal system is, therefore, based on the divine revelation, rather than judicial decisions or written law. Article 38 of the Saudi Constitution sets forth that : (i)There shall be no crime or penalty except in accordance with a Shariah or organizational law. (ii)There shall be no punishment except for acts committed subsequent to the coming into force of the organizational law. This indicates that crimes and their penalties must be specifically set forth before punishments may be imposed. The Saudi Constitution also provides that the state protects human rights in accordance with the Islamic Shariah [9] . Legal System Saudi Arabian courts follow the Hanbali school. A judge in Saudi Arabia is called a qadi and must be trained as a scholar and a great follower of Islam [10] . There are three levels of courts. Mustajalah courts are the local courts and do not have jurisdiction over any case that could result in death. The High Courts of Sharia Law, or kubra, have jurisdiction over hudud and qisas crimes. Although usually only one qadi sits on each court, the hearing of a crime that would result in execution is heard by a panel of three judges. The three qadi conduct the investigation, examine witnesses, and issue a verdict. A defendant sentenced to death in a kubra court has a right of appeal to the Court of Cassation, and the case is heard by a five-qadi panel. During this review, the court does not examine the law or facts, but merely ensures that the judge has paid sufficient attention to the point of objection [11] . The Supreme Judicial Council reviews all death penalty cases. The Ki ng has final review. For death penalty cases for hudud crimes, the only review is of guilt; the penalty cannot be changed [12] . Population Saudi Arabia is the largest Muslim country of the world. It has an estimated population of 28 million. Saudi Arabia is a Kingdom and about 8 million people are migrants from different countries of the world. Saudi Arabia is the center of Muslims as the mousoleum of Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is in this country. According to The Future of the Global Muslim Population by Pew Research Center [13] , Saudi Arabia have about 25,493,000 estimated number of muslims population in 2010, which brings to approximately 97.1% of its citizen is a muslim. Thats about 1.6% of the muslim population as a whole. Educational System According to Robert Sedgwick [14] , education in Saudi Arabia is segregated by sex and divided into three separately administered systems: general education for boys, education for girls and traditional Islamic education (for boys). The religious secondary school curriculum includes the general academic secondary school curriculum but focuses primarily on Islamic and Arabic studies. Where memorization of the Quran, interpretation and understanding of the Quran (Tafsir) are stressed. Newspaper review ANALYSIS BETWEEN MALAYSIA AND SAUDI ARABIA Well it come to our understanding, on the paper based on its facts, analysis and others, we might able to implement this kind of law to both in Malaysia. But the question arose, whether when the government tries to implement this kind of law to both, would It be a total satisfaction to all who professing other religions? Indeed based on the analysis in Saudi Arabia country, it much obvious to see, hudud and syariah law, have well indeed, governed its government and society, whether in education, society, politics and legal system. But it come to much argument though, well if it is to be look upon the society of Saudi Arabia itself, Saudi Arabia is the largest Muslim country of the world. It has an estimated population of 28 millionapproximately 97.1% of its citizen, is a muslim. Thats about 1.6% of the muslims population as a whole. Differently in Malaysia which consist a multi-race society, which professing other religion instead of Islam itself. It would be easy to implement to Saudi Arabia, where its citizens, almost 97% professing the religion of Islam, while in Malaysia at least 30% of its citizens, professing the religion of Islam. Further to be illustrated that, as to be seen in respect of Education matters in Saudi Arabia, the government itself have well emphasized the society with primarily on Islamic and Arabic studies where the government of Saudi Arabia divided the system of education, into three parts which is education for boys, education for girls and traditional Islamic education (for boys), since their childhood. Differently, in Malaysia, it seems that the government itself does not really emphasizes the teaching of Islam (like fardhu ain) to the citizens, where the general education are ought to be champ. To be concluded, if one argument arose that the hudud law are ought to be implemented in Malaysia, first aspect to be considered is, the government of Malaysia itself may need to take a reconsideration to send a few people of ulama to have an emphasize knowledge of hudud and syariah law in any other Islamic country for example Saudi Arabia. As far to be concern, Malaysia have none who is really have such a perfect detail knowledge of any arguments pertaining to hudud law itself. Differently in Saudi Arabia, it would be easy to implement hududlaw there, as to the reason, there is many ulama who are far concerned, well learned of the syariah and hudud law themselves. THE DIFFICULTIES AND CHALLENGES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HUDUD LAW IN MALAYSIA. Crux of hudud controversy, is the fact that both sides do not understand democracy and do not respect the democratic right of someone to support or oppose what they feel they want to support or oppose. Being a citizen of a democratic country, every citizen has a democratic right to drea about the Hudud and to support it, also to have nightmares about Hudud and oppose it. The implementation of hudud law (or any law for that matter) in Malaysia remains a possibility under democracy. It is not yet implemented because the majority of Malaysians including the Muslims themselves for some reason do not want it. They are simply practicing their democratic right by not giving it their consent. [15] Seen from a broader perspective hudud is not actually the real problem. It is just a form of punishment for a number of crimes mentioned in the Quran. Only criminals and criminals want-to-be, we might say, should be afraid of it. A proper Muslim would never reject hudud per se because he knows that it is a part of Islamic Law and it is a part of Islam. But a proper Muslim also would not allow people who are incompetent to use hudud as their rhetoric just to get into power because they are going to create bigger disaster. Hudud and Islamic law will not appear good and convincing in the hands of those who do not possess adequate moral and intellectual integrity. Hence, this is a matter of giving the trust to the rightful people. Implementing hudud is a big trust and it should not be given to just anybody. If the ability is not yet there, the real responsibility of the Muslims is to get themselves equipped with what it takes to carry out that responsibility. [16] So the real problem is the Muslims themselves who are, as a whole, no longer good Muslims in term of their understanding and practice of Islam so that they are not capable of carrying out their duties and responsibilities as it should be. As such, and as a matter of priority, what they really need today is a proper education that will make them be a good Muslims morally and intellectually. It is true that the criminals among them need to be punished according to Islamic law but that is not going to happen anyway if the majority do not believe in Islamic law or have no confidence in those who want to implement it. So now, the crux of the matter is actually education, only a properly educated human being will be able to use his democratic right wisely. When we talk about the education, the emphasis is on the individuals, not the society, and what matters most is ethics and morality instead of politics and law. Islamic law and political system cannot be conceived nor practiced outside the framework of Islamic ethics and morality because justice actually begins with the self. Even divine law cannot bring justice to the society if it is left in the hand of incompetent and corrupt individuals. A corrupt government can be brought down through the ballot box but it does not guarantee that the new government will be better that the previous one. True reform must ultimately come from a gradual process of education that is properly conceived and implemented. Our politicians, unfortunately, are not really interested in education. Perhaps, due to being poorly educated themselves, they do not see anything greater and more important than power. They think only with power and kind of reform can be done, hence their first concern over anything else is to get into power. [17] Besides that, the Malaysian Bar, stated that the Hudud cannot be implemented within the current constitutional and legislative framework. This is because, the law, as it stands, does not allow for the implementation of hudud by the States.  The Federal Constitution only allows the States to enact laws creating offences by persons professing the religion of Islam, against the precepts of Islam, and the respective punishments for such offences. With respect to the nature of such offences, these offences cannot include matters within the legislative powers of the Federal Government.  Therefore, there can be no replication of any of the offences within any Federal law with a different degree of punishment only for Muslims. Further, these laws, if enacted, must themselves be consistent with fundamental liberties guaranteed to all citizens, including Muslims, under Part II of the Federal Constitution. As to the scope of the punishments for offences against the precepts of Islam, the extent must be conferred by Federal law. The Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 provides that the Syariah Courts in all States shall not exercise jurisdiction in respect of any offence punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding six strokes or with any fine exceeding five thousands ringgit or with whipping exceeding six strokes or with any combination thereof. Hence, the penalties that Syariah Courts can mete out are clearly circumscribed, and do not inclu
Friday, October 25, 2019
Feminism Essay -- essays research papers
Feminism Feminism is the belief that women should have economic political and social equality with men. This term also refers to a political movement that works to gain equality within a male and female relationship. In a male and female relationship both the roles of the male and female should be equal. Equal in many ways ten one: they should trust each other, share responsibilities, listen to one another, respect each other, and of course love one another equally. This type of relationship is not found now a days because of the many traditions which imply that women are inferior to men. They also imply that women should stay home all day watching soap operas, taking care of the children, and making the food for their tired husbands coming home from a long day of work. Many cultures think this is how a family should be. In other cultures the woman is thought to be so inferior to the man that the woman can not even go outside of the house without having her face covered with some type of cloth so another man (other then the husband) will be able to see the woman’s beautiful face. Some people were brought up to think that the woman is inferior to the man whether it be from the traditions in the culture to the many sitcoms people watch everyday or even years ago. Some of these normal sitcoms show the wife watching TV and eating junk food all day and when the husband comes home from a hard day of work and the wife nags the husband’s ear off (Married With Children). Even tho...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Contemporary America Essay
Joven Isamer Bilog 12 Apr 2011 History 162 Section 8 America’s role in World War II was fueled by the desire to fight oppression abroad. However, America’s own oppressive behavior contradicts this desire. Segregation and discrimination were still prominent in WWII. Full citizenship rights were denied to African-Americans. The Jim Crow laws kept the separation of black and white soldiers. Black and white soldiers shared different bathrooms and were trained in different military units. African-American soldiers fought two wars: one over the Axis Powers and one with domestic racial prejudice.There is no sense for America to fight for democracy if America could not have even exemplified it. There was no motive to guide an African-American soldier to shed blood for hypocrisy. In January 1942, a cafeteria worker named James G. Thompson sent a letter to the Pittsburgh Courier that decided to confront the contradiction of a Jim Crow army defending democracy and proposed the Dou ble Victory sign. The first â€Å"V†stood for victory over America’s enemies abroad and the second V stood for victory over African-American’s enemies at home.The Pittsburgh Courier’s â€Å"Double V†campaign was a profound movement that provided incentive for African-American war efforts and effectively revealed the disparity between America’s ideals abroad and the reality at home. The Double V campaign instantly grabbed the attention of the Pittsburgh Courier which started publishing the Double V insignia in its February 7th edition. Thompson’s letter made an immediate impact due to its simple yet memorable slogan with the words. His Double V idea was great enough for a very popular black press to quickly support.The slogan â€Å"gave voice to a democratic dream that would be widely shared across the country. †African-Americans could quickly relate to the cause because of its positive message. The Pittsburgh Courier used gr eat tactics such as photographs to charge the â€Å"Double V†Campaign. The photographs in the paper had a woman with a â€Å"VV†on the back of her dress, a class of six graders flashing the Double V sign and a soldier forming a Double V with his hands and two military flags. The campaign did not discourage patriotism or influence a turn against America.It called for the democratic truth America tried to embody. Private Charles F. Wilson wrote to President Roosevelt, â€Å"Are the Chinese to believe that we are fighting to bring them ‘freedom, equality, and justice,’ when they can see that in our Armed Forces we are not even practicing what we preaching? †This illustrates the powerful effect the campaign had in motivating people to stand up for the double victory cause. Democratic America was a fraud in World War II and Thompson’s letters called America out to be a true model for democracy.White America only had to worry about the victory o ver the Axis powers. The Double V showed the greater challenges colored Americans had to face. An African-American soldier named E. G. McConnell of the 76ist Tank Battalion said, â€Å"I was in a unit I was damn proud of, and I knew that the things we did would shape the future for my children and grandchildren. †The soldiers who felt unsure about the war now had a certain answer which was that the ideal would be one day reached with enough sacrifices. The maintenance of patriotism is vital to unifying the country.Black and White Americans live in America. Love for one’s country is something that can be undeniably shared. The Courier’s introduction of the Double V Campaign had a brilliant statement which was â€Å"WE HAVE A STAKE IN THIS FIGHT†¦. WE ARE AMERICANS TOO! †This statement shows that all Americans no matter what race share the loyalty and pride for the country. Black and White Americans share the same goal in defeating the Axis Powers in the name of democracy. African-Americans have just as much to lose as White Americans. Support for the campaign also came from famous whites.Politician Thomas Dewey supported the campaign stating, â€Å"All Americans must participate in the terrible struggle ahead – in our munitions factories at home – and in every branch of our armed forces on the battle fronts. †This shows how the Double V campaign was able to make the problems on the home front evident. The Pittsburgh Courier showed a picture of a black and white man showing the Double V sign in its Feb 28, 1942 edition. This showed that the fight for democracy was not limited to that of a colored American. The Double V ideal was available to all American people.The Courier gracefully executed a fight not against the whites but to fight with them. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) denounced the army’s segregationist policy: â€Å"A Jim Crow army cannot fight for a free world. †The mutual effort between colored and white Americans was necessary to defeat the evils of discrimination. There can be no peace and justice without cooperation because a change in a nation requires everyone. The editor of the Pittsburgh Courier wrote: â€Å"We call upon the President and Congress to declare war on Japan and against racial prejudice in our country.Certainly we should be strong enough to whip both of them. †This statement illustrated America’s great potential to win both victories and amplified America’s greatness. If America is fighting for democracy abroad it should be easily able to fight for democracy at home. There was a calling for America to prove it is a truly marvelous country that conquers any problem. The two victories coexist well because the fight is the same but just in different areas. Just as much as democratic principles were being eradicated in Europe by the Axis Powers; democratic equality was being ignor ed in America.Black columnist George Schuyler said â€Å"Our war is not against Hitler in Europe, but aganst Hitler in America. Our war is to get a democracy we never had. †Schuyler points out that only is there a problem with World War II and the fight against Germany, but that there is a segregation and discrimination problem on United States soil. The victory at home is necessary for the victory abroad because there is no justification in fighting for a contradiction. Black soldiers’ presence made a huge difference for America. African-Americans were allowed into the Air Corps on January 16, 1941 and the War Department office was flooded with applications.Although black soldiers were able to fight in the sky they still faced racial prejudice. â€Å"Promotions of blacks were nonexistent; it was obvious when young whites were promoted over blacks with years of exemplary military service. †These black soldiers personally felt the harsh discrimination. Their ha rd work was overlooked and there was nothing to be done about it. The War Department was stern on its traditional treatment of colored soldiers. These soldiers could not protest the discrimination. The â€Å"Double V†campaign gave them the ability to protest by instilling the idea that fighting in the war will later result in a better future.The soldiers were fighting for the second victory at home. A Tuskegee administrator said, â€Å"When Negroes do not have to be continuously on their guard against such unnecessary strains during the period of their flying training they will do better as flyers. †This illustrated a contradiction because segregating training camps is a definite example of racial discrimination. The segregation cultivated strains of doubt and hopelessness in the minds of the black soldiers. The Double V helped link black soldiers’ urge for victory in WWII with the hope for an end to discrimination and segregation.A black airman in the 99th, a nd an eventual Tuskegee Airman, â€Å"every man in the 99th was aware that the success of the 99th would impact the status of blacks in the Army Air Force and the army as a whole and that each man performed his job as if the race depended on him. †The â€Å"Double V†Campaign gave black America the opportunity to feel like they were a part of a greater struggle for freedom everywhere. One soldier said, â€Å"Just carve on my tombstone, ‘Here lies a black man killed fighting a yellow man for the protection of a white man’. This showed the paradox that they are expected to do the same dangerous and life risking things as the white man but do not reap the same benefits. Black soldiers were willing to protect country even though the relationship was not reciprocal. These black soldiers needed to risk their life for a worthy cause which is what the â€Å"Double V†Campaign did by providing them with the motive of victory on the home front. Considering U. S. involvement in WWII â€Å"government officials began stressing the need of a united home front to ensure victory, and many blacks realized that whites could no longer ignore the issue of discrimination. With the increasing participation of colored Americans in the war, the issue of discrimination became a bigger concern. The issue could no longer be avoided. The Double V stepped in at the perfect time and confronted the issue of discrimination. As can be seen throughout the whole of this analysis, The â€Å"Double V†campaign was a profound movement that provided incentive for African-American war efforts and effectively revealed the disparity between America’s ideals abroad and the reality at home. Thompson’s words were very inspiring because he showed the perseverance to overlook all the unjust treatment and still have optimism in America.The positive assertion contributed greatly to the success of the campaign. The â€Å"Double V†campaign was o ne of the most extensive patriotic drives in the country during the war because it kept black America appraised of the struggle for victory overseas and victory at home through numerous publications. World War II gave African-Americans the perfect opportunity to change the ways of America. It was impeccable timing for the â€Å"Double V†campaign to start. Many African-Americans participated in the war and were willing to sacrifice their lives.There were also many African-Americans such as men in the military who questioned if was worth defending a nation representing hypocrisy. The â€Å"Double V†Campaign was started for these people who represented the common theme of discrimination. It was during World War II in which the possibility of African-Americans being heard. The connection of the two victories was clever because it demonstrated that African-Americans are fighting for everyone else and raises the question of why it is not reciprocated which shows that Afric an-Americans are entitled to equal rights.There is a request for cooperation among all Americans to truly represent democracy. To be constantly brought down by discrimination and prejudices and still persevere is mind blowing showed the amazing patience African-Americans had. The â€Å"Double V†campaign showed the public that there is a potential existence of an America practicing what it preaches where all men are created equal and no innate social, cultural or human right is withheld from you. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Ronald Takaki, Double Victory: A Multicultural History of America in World War II (Boston: Little, Brown and Co, 2000), 25 [ 2 ].Michael S. Foley, Home Fronts A Wartime America Reader (New York: The New Press, 2008), 56 [ 3 ]. Takaki, 21 [ 4 ]. Washburn, Pat The â€Å"Pittsburgh Courier’s†Double V Campaign in 1942 (1981), 4 [ 5 ]. Takaki, 30 [ 6 ]. Takaki, 34 [ 7 ]. James G. Thompson†The Courier’s Double ‘V’ For a Double Victory Campaign Gets Country-Wide Support,†The Pittsburgh Courier, February 14, 1942 [ 8 ]. James Edward Boyack, â€Å"Denounces Limit Placed on Negro in War Efforts,†Pittsburgh Courier, Feb. 28, 1942, 1 [ 9 ]. Washburn, 8 [ 10 ]. Takaki, 23 [ 11 ].Beth Bailey, â€Å"The â€Å"Double-V†Campaign in World War II Hawaii: African Americans, Racial Ideology, and Federal Power,†Journal of Social History 26:4 ( March 1993): 817 [ 12 ]. Takaki, 24 [ 13 ]. Lynn M Homan, Black Knights: The story of Tuskegee Airmen (Gretna, Lousiana: Pelican Publishing Company, 2001), 30 [ 14 ]. Homan, 71 [ 15 ]. Homan, 34 [ 16 ]. Lawrence P. Scott, Double V The Civil Rights Struggle Of The Tuskegee Airmen (East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Press, 1992), 134 [ 17 ]. Takaki, 34 [ 18 ]. Washburn, 2 [ 19 ]. Scott, 167
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Business: Revenue and Target Gross Margin
Additional facts about this case: 1. CHP is believed to be close to a long-term contract to supply parts to Medit, a giant construction company with excellent government contracts in southern France and nearby Euro countries. 2. Mission’s price for the coupling in questions (PT40) is $1. 26, FOB, Los Angeles. The target gross margin for exports is 30% FOB$1. 26 (location Los Angeles) COGS$ . 88 (Fixed) GTM $0. 38 CIF$1. 3627= $1. 36 FOB (1. 05) (1. 03)= 1. 0815 Pricing FOB $1. 33- $. 88= $. 45 $1. 54- $. 88=$. 66 Target (Gross Margin for exports 30%) 3.Mission has a reputation for high prices in the US, and running the factory below capacity limits will raise costs further. 4. International sales missed forecast for 1Q03 by 7%. 2Q03 forecast is $4. 3 million, but early customer response is not encouraging. International sales are now 20% below target. 5. Key account sales force compensation: 70% salary, 15% bonus on sales quotas, 15% bonus on profitability targets. 6. In 4Q02, Mission’s sales to CHP were $83k – 18% of CHP’s flexible couplings purchases. Questions to answer: 1. Write a short, one-paragraph summary of the facts in this case.Mission Rubber Technology Corp. is a company that creates an industrial product. The traffic has created trouble with CHP. Shipping has costs $11,000 for CHP because Mission Rubber Technology error. Damages occur often. The issues need to be addressed be Mission Rubber Technology and CHP is late on their payments. Late payment causes a lack of losing customers and cash, which can also cause a company to fail. Sales 20012002 $114k$165 Increased 165/114= 1. 44 percent growth The American market has become weak domestically and slowing down which businesses tend to lose assets.Sales and productivity decreases causing the growth of the business to also decrease. One of alternative is to globalization seeking for new business. An unsuccessful Cash flow issues can occur because lack of assets or maybe bec ame they okay with paying late. Price 2. Prior to negotiations, what price will you ask for each unit of PT40? 3. What is the highest price you think you can get for PT40 (explained)? 4. What is the lowest price you would accept for PT40 (explained)? 5. What is the highest price you believe CHP will accept (explained)? There are times when the company receives credit from the company instead of cash refunds.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Guide to How to Critique a Movie
Guide to How to Critique a Movie Tips on How to Write a Movie Critique Wherever you study at the school, college, or university, you may have to write different sort of papers, for instance academic one, critical essay, response paper, and so on. However, one of the favorite students writing assignments is a critical film review. Although you may choose the film you like and make your writing process much easier, a lot of students still ask how to write a movie critique correctly. Many first-year students and even senior ones are confused with the difference between the critical film review and movie critique. Therefore, the first tip on how to write a movie critique properly is to clarify the difference between a review and critique of a film. It is pretty easy when you realize that a film review is a way to discuss the plot, summarize it, and express your final opinion. Meanwhile, a movie critique paper requires you to conduct a in-depth analysis, draw attention to the characters speech, stylistic devices, settings and backstage, scenes symbolisms and its dynamics, reasons for the applied sound and video effects, etc. If you realize these things and like the chosen film, you will have no questions on how to write a movie critique. Still, if you struggle with your writing, you have two options. The first one is as follows: you can easily order a movie critique paper in one of the reliable writing companies, for example, Star-Writers, which provides you with w ell-written academic papers and essay for a decent price. The second one lies in the fact that you can use the following free and efficient tips on how to critique a movie provided by our highly-professional experts and film critics. Of course, we highly encourage you to write a paper by yourself to challenge and improve your writing and critical thinking skills. These tips will unequivocally help you, so go on reading to know more! Seven Steps in Writing a Movie Critique Few can answer precisely how to critique a movie since there are many various strategies and approaches nowadays. Therefore, we have gathered, analyzed, and summarized the most efficient and effective tips on how to write a movie critique easily and creatively. The first and the easiest tip on how to write a movie critique is to watch the film before writing a paper. The main task is not just to watch a movie as we usually do it on Friday evenings yet to be attentive to the tiniest details, characters, and dialogs. In other words, we should note some things we like and dislike in the particular motion picture. Depending on the film, you will notice different things. Therefore, we cannot tell what exactly you should draw your attention to, but we can recommend you putting down all things that attract you. The best way and criterion to miss nothing is to follow your feelings. It will make your paper one hundred percent unique. How to critique a movie without paying attention to the so-called film structure? Similarly to the novel, each movie has the preface, central theme, climax, and narrative closure or outcome. It is highly significant to realize and clarify all these main film elements and interpret them. Thus, you will have a couple of words on each aspect and can easily answer how to write a movie critique on this stage. How to write a movie critique without analyzing the main and minor characters? Each film consists of various and sundry characters with diverse features. Usually, each of them can act like a bad, good, or mixed temper person. One of the critical tip on how to critique a movie is figure out every single characters features and his role in this film. Even if it seems an unimportant or minor character, he or she may have a huge impact on the plot. Use some strategies on how to critique a movie character paying attention to the physical and psychological peculiarities. The next tip on how to write a movie critique is strongly related to the film actors, director, producer, release data, sound, and visual effects. Obviously, it is highly critical to observe each of these elements to realize the main idea of the film. Experts believe that analyzing all those things is the best tip on how to critique a movie in-depth. There are a few examples of why this strategy is efficient. Usually, a lot of films are dedicated to a particular event, date, or person, especially historical, documentary, etc. Realizing this directors idea will definitely tell you a lot about the whole film, it gives you a film skeleton you may use for further analysis. On the contrary, analyzing sound and visual effects helps you to describe what kind of emotions and feelings this film evokes. Also, the chosen cast of the film may tell you some hidden information and shed light on some interesting things that were not considered before. Do not retell the whole film and be concise is our next piece of advice on how to critique a movie we would like to share. Provide only those examples which prove your arguments or assist in explaining a bigger idea or concept. Make up a strict paper plan and follow it. In most cases, all academic papers consist of five main sections: General information about a film (director, title, data release), reasons you have chosen it (what attracts you), and your thesis, namely what problems or ideas you want to consider. Tell a few words about the film and describe its plot briefly. Include some details on settings, main film elements/characters, and movie type/style. Provide your readers with a deep analysis of all those things you consider significant for understanding the whole idea of the film. Using some examples and citation will be an advantage. Come back to your thesis and make a summary based on analyzed arguments and facts. You should also provide your persective and recommend or not the movie for a particular audience. The last but not the least word of advice is to edit your paper. Many students forget about proofreading and editing their papers since they focus mainly on how to critique a movie. However, try to make your paper readable and attractive, and it is the final tip on how to write a movie critique our experts recommend you! For more information on how to write a movie critique correctly and where to get help in critique writing, look at our article Movie Critique: Professional Guidelines. Of course, if you are under pressure of time or have other deadlines, you may send your draft to any professional writing services, and they will help you to compose your paper. Never give up! Good luck! Just do it!
Monday, October 21, 2019
Toothpick Bridges essays
Toothpick Bridges essays Building a toothpick bridge is much more complicated than many people realize. In order to build a successful bridge, one must research bridges in order to find which bridge is the best in a particular situation. There are several types of bridges and all of them have different places in which they will be used. Some bridges are used to span across a small freeway, others are used to span across a deep gorge, and other bridges are used to cover over a huge water way. A person must design the perfect bridge in order to hold the desired weight for the bridge. Even the top skilled architects make mistakes while designing a bridge. Although bridges often go ignored, their purpose is essential to modern America. In the 1850s, covered wagons heading west had to move across streams or rivers. Without the right bridges in place, the pioneers would sometimes travel many miles out of the way to find a safe place to cross a river. Other times they waited for days or weeks for flooded rivers to go down until it was safe to cross. Crossing rivers was a dangerous part of early travel. Narrow wheels sank into the muddy river bottoms and unpredictable currents took peoples lives and property. Consider how long it would take to cross a river today if bridges were not included in the roads. Consider how the movement of people, goods, and services would be affected without highway systems, which include bridges. The entire American economy as we know it would be hurt greatly. There are six basic modern bridge forms: the beam, the truss, the arch, the cantilever, the cable-stay, and the suspension. A beam bridge is made of long timber, metal, or concrete beams anchored at each end. If the beams are arranged in triangles, so that each shares only a portion of the weight on any part of the structure, the result is a truss bridge. An arch bridge has a curved shape causing the vertical force of the weight it carries to produce a horizontal...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How To Keep Evergreen Content Fresh For 283% More Traffic
How To Keep Evergreen Content Fresh For 283% More Traffic Two of our blog posts tanked in January. And it was painful. These bad boys reeled in 58% less page views and a soul-crushing 88% fewer email subscribers than our average blog posts. And this happened all while I was working with my team to produce content that would generate 225% more traffic than an average blog post. Ouch. And you know why those two blog posts performed so terribly? Its because they targeted topics that were outdated within a week after they launched. Take a look, and youll know what I mean: How To Achieve Your Blog Writing Goals This Year How To Improve Your Blog Resolutions For The New Year Theres no reason to read blog posts like that right now, is there? So let me save you from making the same mistake I did with a little simple, data-driven advice: Create evergreen content instead of newsy or seasonal stuff. How To Make And Repurpose #EvergreenContent To Get 283% More ResultsRead on to learn more about how you can capture 283% more results for yourself with a little help from evergreen contents awesomeness: Get inspired with a few creative evergreen content ideas and examples. Produce content that will deliver traffic and signups for a long time after you publish it. Keep your evergreen content fresh to continue building your audience. Get even more results out of your evergreen content with a little repurposing. Youre about to become an evergreen content mastermind. What Is Evergreen Content? Evergreen content is timeless, valuable information your audience has needed forever and will continue to need well into the future. It's pretty awesome for many reasons: Continue to bring in traffic long after you initially publish your content: Evergreen blog posts get as much as 283% more traffic in just 30 days than newsy, seasonal content. Make the time you put into creating content have long-term payoffs: Evergreen posts get an average of 30% return on traffic in the second and third months after publish. That's a huge ROI. Get more traffic with less content: Since newsy and seasonal content has a short lifespan, you need to publish more of it to get similar results to evergreen content. It takes 5.36 as many seasonal blog posts to match the success of one evergreen blog post. Are you sold? Let's get your brain going with a little evergreen inspiration. #Evergreen content gets 283% more traffic than seasonal content.Step 1: Get Inspired With 30 Evergreen Content Ideas And Examples When we asked you about your biggest content marketing challenge a couple months ago, you told us that it's most difficult to find ideas worth executing. So a good place to begin with evergreen content to make sure you get your 283% more traffic is by starting with awesome ideas. Questions And Answers Your audience has always had questions that need answers, challenges that need solutions, and problems they need to solve. Use your knowledge of your audience to answer the tough questions no one else in your niche is doing well enough. Ideas: What Is The Best {Topic}? When Is The Best Time To {Topic}? Why Is {Topic A} Better Than {Topic B}? Examples: 10 Studies Answer: When Is The Best Time To Send Email? What is the best way to get more relevant visitors to my blog? How do you size up opportunity cost when deciding to start a startup? Pro Tip: Quora is a great place to find inspiration for questions that your audience is really asking. Step-By-Step Process The key to making an evergreen step-by-step post is to focus on the practical utility behind the strategy instead of the mechanics of the programs or tools your audience could use to implement your advice. For example, show someone the data-driven ways that work for building an email list rather than the programs they could use to achieve that success. The programs may likely change and vary for any reader, but the strategy behind list building likely works with any tool. Ideas: How To Build A {Topic} In {#} Simple Steps The Complete Guide To Make A Successful {Topic} {#} Easy Steps To Make A {Topic} In {#} Minutes Examples: The Complete, 4-Step Email List Building Strategy That Will Make You Successful Want to Increase Website Traffic? Follow These 4 Steps†¦ How To Boost Conversions by 529% in 45-Minutes (Two Step-By-Step Case Studies) How-To Posts And Ultimate Guides Similar to step-by-step blog posts, evergreen guides focus on helping your readers understand the strategic thinking behind a process. Sometimes, these guides take on a different format than blog posts to appear super comprehensive. For example, you could write a how-to post about how to write compelling social media messages that will increase your traffic. The evergreen angle for this post would focus on the psychology of showing the benefits behind the click instead of the mechanics behind best message length for each social network. See the difference? Ideas: How To Make A {Topic} In {Time Frame} The Ultimate Guide To {Topic} How To {Verb} The Best {Topic} Examples: The Comprehensive Course To Finally Keep Your Editorial Schedule On Track The Advanced Content Marketing Guide How to Handle the Trickiest Support Scenarios Timeless Fundamentals For Success Fundamental posts typically present themselves as a list of ideas or ways to do something. These posts typically focus on presenting a lot of information in one place with the hopes that if your readers leave with even one takeaway, you've done your job. For example, let's say you want to write a post about getting inspired when you hit a road block at work. To create an evergreen blog post, you'd present lots of ways, methods, or ideas to get past the challenge of being uninspired. Ideas: 20 Ways To Be {Desired Effect} When You Don't Feel {Desired Effect} 21 {Topic} That Will Make You {Desired Effect} 23 Ways To Get Even More {Desired Effect} From Your {Topic} Examples: 20 Ways To Be Creative When You Don’t Feel Inspired 3 Ways Your Experience Can Help You Sell Your Services Ten Tips for Creating Influential Content Using Social Media Thought Leadership And New Methods This type of content is one of the most influential kinds of evergreen content. Thought leadership and new method posts don't necessary look at what others in the past have done- or link to other sources to back up their claims- but instead are the posts that present theories, processes, systems, and ideas that no one has really covered ever before. For example, have you come up with a modern way to do something that makes the standard process obsolete? That's likely an evergreen idea you could add into your editorial calendar. Ideas: The {#}-Minute, {#}-Step Solution For The Best {Topic} This Is The {Topic} Every {Audience} Needs How To {Desired Effect} With The {New Method} Technique Examples: Here's Why You Don't Need A "Content Marketing Strategy" The â€Å"Poster Boy†Formula: How I got my first 10,000 readers The Skyscraper Technique: (Content Marketing for Link Builders) Step 2: Publish The Best Content On The Internet That headline might sound like a tall order. It should. Rest assured, though, no matter your resources or who you compete against, you can publish better content than anyone. All it takes is some research, optimization, and dedication- all skills you can learn as the ambitious marketer you are. A caveat on why this should be your goal: It's hard to stand out. It's even harder if you're publishing content that isn't better than your competition. If you want to win at evergreen content- like anything- you need to produce content that your audience finds extremely useful and helps them produce real and measurable results. The process you're about to learn will help you do exactly that. It's hard to stand out. It's even harder if your content isn't better than your competition.Come Up With An Amazing Idea Since coming up with ideas is a major challenge for many content marketers, let's start there. You know what types of evergreen content may work well for you, but how do you fill in the blanks with really great topic ideas? There's a simple process that will help you come up with hundreds of ideas in next to no time. It involves a couple folks who know your audience really well, an instant messaging app, and an hour to sift through those ideas to find the absolute best ones. Group #brainstorming doesn't work. #bloggingFirst, let's set the story straight: Group brainstorming doesn't work. But you can help your entire team brainstorm together in a way that is extremely effective. Set up an hour-long content planning meeting with your team to get started: Base New Ideas On What You Already Know Will Be Successful Include an analysis of your most popular content in your meeting invitation. That will help you and your team understand what sorts of ideas your audience already loves and will help your meeting generate lots of awesome new ideas. Begin by first understanding what your goals are, and how you measure success: Define the reason you're blogging. Answer this: I am blogging to {reason}. Know how you'll measure that reason. Answer this: To measure {reason}, I will measure success with {metric}. Determine which tool you'll use to find that metric. Answer this: I'll use {tool} to measure {metric}. Find your top blog posts' performance toward your metric in a given time frame. For example, you could track the number of page views each blog post received within their first 30 days after they publish. This gives each post the same opportunity to be successful, which will help you understand which blog posts are truly your top performers. Use the spreadsheet in your evergreen content kit to analyze your data. After you enter in your data, sort it to show your content from awesome sauce stuff to the real stinkers. Use your analysis to plan awesome content ideas from the get-go. Attach the spreadsheet to your content planning meeting invitation and specifically tell your team to come with ideas that replicate your best content while avoiding anything that looks like your worst. Here's an example of what your spreadsheet might look like when you fill it out: Use the evergreen content planning meeting spreadsheet to discover your best-performing content to plan more ideas that will generate similar awesome results. And here's the text you can copy and paste into your meeting invitation when you attach your spreadsheet: Hey team, Join me for a content planning meeting to help us discover new ideas that will help us {reason you're blogging}. Before you come, check out the spreadsheet attached to this invite. The URLs at the top of the list are our best-performing blog posts- the kind of ideas our audience seems to love and ones we should try to replicate. The URLs at the bottom of the list are stinkers, so we should try to avoid ideas like those. The meeting will consist of 20 minutes of individual brainstorming and 40 minutes of grading to narrow our ideas to the absolute best ones. This is gonna be fun! Recommended Reading: How To Rock A Data-Driven Content Calendar Template That Will Boost Results By 299% Schedule 20 Minutes For Individual Brainstorming Come to your touch point prepared with three things to kickstart your team's creativity: Explain why you're doing the content planning meeting. Say this: As a reminder, we're here today to find some awesome ideas that will help us {reason you're blogging}. Get them thinking about the top content you just analyzed. Say this: When you come up with ideas, ask yourself: How similar is this idea to our other top content? Help them think like a blog reader. Ask this: What are the top things our readers want to learn about? From there, give them 20 minutes to brainstorm on their own, typing out every idea in an Evernote note, Google Doc, Microsoft Word- whatever. This is especially helpful for remote teams because this exercise doesn't require you to be in the same room. Try this exercise to create the best #evergreen content on the Internet.Take 40 Minutes To Review Your Ideas This is the fun part. ;) Ask everyone on your team to send you their ideas, then create a master list only you can see. Prep your team to help you sift through the ideas to find the best ones for your audience: Ideas that are similar to your top content or ones you think your audience would really enjoy get a 3 grade. When ideas fall flat of a 3, those are 2. An idea is a 1 if it's not right for your blog (though it might make for a good guest post elsewhere). From there, read each idea aloud off your master list and have the team instant message you their numbers. The lowest score is the final grade for the idea- and that's because at least one person on your team doubts that the idea will be as successful as your top-performing content. In this way, you: Help the team come to your meeting prepared with great ideas at the tips of their tongues. Allow for individual brainstorming to get everyone involved. Get feedback as a team to harness the power of diverse skills. You'll get all of these benefits without the groupthink or the one loud team member dominating your meeting. And, you don't get the siloed ideas that only you could think of but aren't necessarily the best ideas. It's a process we use at , and one we plan to continue doing to help us flesh out innovative ideas. Take 40 minutes to review all the ideas that you came up with. #contentplanningResearch Your Keywords You just found some amazing topics your audience will love. Now it's time to plan how you'll help them find your evergreen content exactly when they want it- and long after you publish it. Remember, evergreen means that your content won't grow stale and could hold a ranking for a long time, so this is an awesome way to keep that traffic rolling in. Research and choose your keywords to understand which content you'll compete against.And chances are pretty high they'll use a search engine like Google to do just that. The good news is that when you research and choose your keywords, it also gives you the opportunity to understand which content you'll compete with, which you'll learn about in a little bit. Anyway, this process can be as simple or complex as you'd like it to be. I'd suggest starting simple: Use a keyword research tool to help you understand the volume of searches for your topic. A great tool to start with is Google's keyword planner. Simply type in the main topic of your idea, then navigate to the Keyword ideas tab. Start your research with Google keyword planner, then navigate to the Keyword ideas tab. The planner will show you the number of times people search for that term in an average month, which is great. But the real value here is seeing the other ideas for terms you might not have originally thought about. Do any of those ideas get more volume that might actually work better for your evergreen content? Google's keyword planner is really great for finding synonyms for what you originally thought would be a good keyword. From here, use Moz's keyword difficulty tool to understand your potential ability to rank for those keywords. It's not really worth targeting a keyword you don't have a chance to rank for, so this is a crucial step to help you make the time you invest into creating awesome evergreen content totally worth your while. Recommended Reading: How To Boost Traffic With 27 Important SEO Tips You Need To Know (+Free Checklist) Use Moz to understand your keyword difficulty. Choose a keyword with low difficulty and a high search volume. Shoot for a keyword difficulty percentage in the 40s (or lower) to start with. It's a newer idea that you should now target multiple related keywords in your blog posts. From here, think about using those related terms- to get techy, this is latent semantic indexing or LSI keywords- as sections in your blog outline. I'll let Rand from Moz explain: Recommended Reading: An SEO Driven Approach To Content Marketing: The Complete Guide Research Your Competition For Those Keywords It seems like a lot of "marketing experts" suggest that creating better content than anyone else is the best way to grow your blog and business. That's good advice. And they leave it at that... just... advice. Enter your keyword into Google and read the posts from your competition to plan how to create better content than anyone else. So here's how to actually publish the best content on the Internet: Use the keywords you just chose for your blog posts, type them into Google, and read every single one of the top 20 search results. Review them for: Common sections every top-ranking post seems to cover: Rand from Moz suggests that Google understands what LSI keywords the top content covers, so note those as potential sections for your blog post outline. Ideas they may have touched on but failed to cover in depth: These are opportunities for you to provide better information than the top competition for your keywords. Ideas they should have covered but failed to even mention: When you read these 20 pieces of content, they should spark a lot of ideas that you should cover but they missed. These are gold to help you publish even better content. From here, dedicate 20 minutes to nothing but brainstorming and ideation. Put yourself in your readers' shoes: What would they absolutely love to know about this topic? Draft Your Outline This is where the terms from your keyword research and the notes from your competition research come together to outline a comprehensive blog post on your topic. That word comprehensive is super important for your success. It means you'll publish a complete, blog post covering the topic in its entirety- the only one your audience would ever need to read to learn everything they need to know to become rock stars. Word count doesn't matter. Word count doesn't matter when it comes to creating comprehensive content. #bloggingWant To Draft Your Outline? Here's How: List your related keywords in an order that makes the most sense. Add in the biggest relevant notes from your competitive research of ideas they completely missed that you should cover. Fill in the gaps of your outline with the ideas you're just kinda obligated to cover- the ones all the other top posts talked about. Make sub-points from your notes on how you'll cover those areas in greater depth than your competition. Write Your Evergreen Content Honestly, the process up to this point will ensure that you create better content than anyone else on the Internet. It will help your evergreen content get noticed and continue to flourish well into the future. Flesh out your outline with in-depth, actionable advice and step-by-step how-to information. Recommended Reading: How To Write Amazing Posts With This Blog Writing Checklist Step 3: Keep Your Evergreen Content Fresh To Get Long-Term Results The process you're about to learn about is something we call historical blog post optimization at . We could have just as easily called it the update-content-and-get-lots-more-traffic-from-it-with-less-effort method. You see, this is what a historically optimized evergreen blog post looks like after you repost it like a brand new blog post: When you republish your evergreen content, you'll see a spike in traffic, then more daily traffic than before you republished. Even when you publish evergreen content, search engines still seem to reward the marketers who update that information periodically. So not only do search engines like older content, they like freshness, too. Republishing blog posts is an awesome way to help you make the most of the work you put into that content originally to get more traffic and more email subscribers. So this is a win-win-win. Are you going to give historical blog optimization a try? #bloggingGetting started is simple: Schedule a reminder for yourself to review the posts you published six months after their original publish date. Update Your Evergreen Content With More Related Keywords You just learned how to find awesome keywords for your evergreen content- and that you can and should target multiple related keywords per post. Those older posts may only target one keyword, so historical optimization gives you the opportunity to understand what your older posts are missing so you can include new sections targeting those relevant keywords. Follow the advice from step #2 to research your keyword and competition to understand what your existing content is missing. Then create a new outline of your blog post to add those new sections into your existing content. Recommended Reading: Want To Make Your Blog Stand Out? Use The Blue Ocean Strategy Include New Information That Didn't Exist When You Originally Published The Post As you do more competitive research, you'll probably find a few ideas you didn't think of when you wrote the post originally. And with a little more experience since you published your post, you could probably also flesh out your original ideas with a lot more actionable advice, tips, and guidance. Look at your revised outline and make notes where you could flesh out your ideas further with even better information, modern data, and relevant stats. Recommended Reading: The 10-Minute, 10-Step Solution For The Best Blog Outline Another way to look at this is by including more visual content in your blog posts. Pages with images get 94% more traffic than those without, and video is growing rapidly. Plus, both of those visuals will help you optimize your social shares to get even more traffic. Recommended Reading: How To Design The Best Blog Graphics With Free Tools And Design Theory Republish The Evergreen Content As If It Were Brand New The simplest approach is often the best place to start. So when you're ready, here's the easiest way to republish a blog post in WordPress: Create a new WordPress post where you'll edit your content so no one sees all of your changes live as you work through your blog post optimization. Change the date and time of the draft blog post to when you'd like to republish your updated version. Make the permalink (AKA the URL or slug) the same as the original blog post. WordPress will add -2 to the end of your permalink when you do this, which means it worked. So if your original post URL was, your revised post URL will be That is an indicator for WordPress that even if you leave this -2 post in draft mode, it will republish over the old blog post on the specific day and at the time you specified as if it were a brand new blog post. This is an example of how to republish a blog post with WordPress. Pretty cool, right? Step 4: Save Time While Getting Even More Out Of Your Evergreen Content The term repurposing content applies very nicely to evergreen content: Reuse it in different ways to make the time you invest into creating it and keeping it fresh totally worth it. Here are a few ways to get even bigger results from your content: Get More Email Subscribers By Improving Your Content Upgrade Content upgrades are related content you give away from your evergreen content in exchange for your blog readers' email addresses. Common content upgrades include templates, worksheets, infographics, and bundles of all of these. This process is one of the tactics you can use to grow your email list by 552% in one year. After you're done writing your new sections and adding new ideas into your post, grab the actionable advice and turn it into a worksheet format. Upload your content upgrade into your WordPress media library and grab the URL. Use LeadBoxes from LeadPages to create a link you can embed right in your blog post to show a popup your readers can use to exchange their email address for your content upgrade. Set up the email function in LeadPages to send an automated email with a link to your content upgrade to the visitor who just subscribed to your blog content. Integrate LeadPages with your email service provider to capture that email address in the list where you manage all of your other subscribers. Improve your content upgrades to get more #email subscribers #bloggingThis is the same process content marketing all-stars like Neil Patel use to turn traffic to blog posts into email subscribers to keep their readers coming back. Neil Patel uses LeadBoxes from LeadPages to gather subscribes from inline downloads. Combine Older Evergreen Content Together To Create More Comprehensive Blog Posts Do you have a couple older evergreen posts that are pretty similar? Chances are, you could combine those posts together to create one comprehensive post. Then all that's left is to redirect your old URLs to your new post, and you're set! Combine successful posts with similar topics to create a more comprehensive blog post? This is a practice we've started implementing at to help us reuse our older posts that haven't been quite as successful: Find a great topic you'd like to cover using the exercise in step #1. During your competitive research phase in step #2, search your own blog content for related topics. If you don't have a search bar on your blog, use this query in Google: "site: topic keyword". Find at least a couple blog posts that complement your topic and could serve as sections in a brand new post. Copy and paste them into a new blog post, then add the outline you created from your research. After you publish the new post, set up 301 redirects from your old blog post URLs to your new post URL to maintain whatever SEO juice you had going to the original evergreen content. For example, Devin recently wrote a post about writer's block. She knew people were searching for information on it because they were likely experiencing it. So she found a couple older posts- one on overcoming writer's block that wasn't ranking well or bringing in traffic to the blog- and combined that with a lot of new information on the topic of getting rid of writer's block. So far, the results have been fantastic. The process helped us recycle older content that wasn't performing by turning it into a traffic-generating machine. Repurpose Evergreen Content As E-Books And Courses You create lots of awesome evergreen content that would complement itself nicely when packaged together in a different way- especially in longer formats like e-books and courses. The first step is to define your story flow: Brainstorm a broader topic under which you have already written several pieces of evergreen content. Gather the blog posts that may work well to tell a comprehensive story under that topic. Determine the order of your story from the beginning to the end. Use the content functionality in , an Evernote note, or a Google Doc to paste your blog posts in the order you just defined. Read through your content as a whole and remove any areas where you may have some repetitious information. For example, we recently wanted to create something that would really help our audience keep their editorial schedule on track. We had a lot of evergreen content we compiled in order according to a story flow, then turned all of that into four lessons we included in a comprehensive course. That course- made from strategically repurposing our best content in a logical order to solve a very specific problem- got more than 2,000 subscribers in less than two weeks. And it continues to bring in new subscribers every day, which is a pretty cool success story for repurposing content. Repurpose your evergreen content as e-books and courses. #blogging #amwritingFrom here, you just need decide which format you'd like to roll forward with. Here's some light reading to get you started: Recommended Reading: 17 Apps That Help You Make Ebooks That Get Noticed The Ultimate Guide To Creating An Email Autoresponder Course How Will You Create Evergreen Content? You're ready to rock at this! You just learned how to: Start with ideas that are truly evergreen to make your return on creation pay off long after you publish your content. Flesh out your idea to publish the best content on the Internet. Literally. And that process will help you rank well in search engines to continue getting the traffic your awesome content deserves. Refresh and republish your evergreen content to keep search engines and your audience happy all while improving your content and saving a ton of time compared to writing brand new stuff every time. Upgrade your content to get more email subscribers, improve underperforming content with brand new angles that will bring in more traffic, and repurpose content to turn every last drop of effort into results. So where will you start?
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Two Page Overview of Three Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two Page Overview of Three Companies - Essay Example The first real bookstore of Barnes & Noble was actually opened by Charles’ son named William who partnered with a gentleman named Clifford Noble thus the origin of the name Barnes & Noble. The bookstore was opened in the year 1917 in New York City, and has grown to the illustrious business it is now over the years. Barnes & Noble is known for its upscale retail shops that are usually accompanied with cafes serving starbucks coffee among other products. Although it is officially known as a retail bookstore, this is not the only product that they have to offer, and one can find other items such as magazines, comics, newspapers as well as music within the store’s retail outlets. The company currently has over 600 stores under its flagship up to date excluding the over 600 college stores it operates as well (Barnes & Noble Inc). is a multinational company that operates through electric commerce through its website that has been popularized around the world. It is believed to be the largest online business in the world and has a consumer base that is located all over the world. It headquarters are located in Seattle, Washington and it sells a large number of items on its online stores. Since it is an online retail store, its expansion cannot be seen on a physical scale but can be pointed out through the different retail websites that it has developed for different countries such as Canada, Italy, Germany, and the United States among others. It also has plans to set up separate online retail stores for more countries including Brazil, Sweden and the Netherlands. The company was founded by a man call Jeff Bezos in the year 1994, but it was released onto the website community as in 1995. The company sells everything from electronic products, toys, books to name but a few and has recently b egan producing its own electronic products such as the Kindle e book reader and tablet computer known as Kindle Fire.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Nonprofit Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Nonprofit Analysis - Essay Example The organization recruits kindhearted people who can volunteer to help the disabled in the society. Because of this, the heart has become an essential logo for the organization. Minis and Friends invite donations from different people regardless of their age or livelihood. The organization uses the donations to provide for the needy. Museum of Indian Culture Museum of Indian Culture is a nonprofit organization that focuses on education and the preservation of culture. This organization perpetuates the history of the Indian culture and enables Indians to reflect on their origin. It also aims to bring different people together regardless of their cultural differences. The organization also recognizes other American Indian tribes and aims at uniting them with the other Indians (Worth, 2012). The Museum offers educational guidance to Indians across the world. It organizes special events that seek to recognize the Indian culture. The Museum appoints different Indians to offer educational guidance to other Indians to create awareness. The appointment of Indians to help with educational guidance has promoted interactions between Indians. This has encouraged people to ignore their cultural differences and relate to each other as colleagues. ... The organization has a vision of ensuring that homeless families do not live in the streets. The organization seeks to achieve this Christian principle and vision in all countries across the world (Worth, 2012). It has a goal of building houses for different homeless families across the United States. It has focused on this goal because many families are not able to afford better housing. Because of this, Morris Habitat for Humanity has collaborated with the housing ministry in the United States to build new housing for families. It uses the funds and donations received to build houses for families. The organization builds houses for families irrespective of their religion and race. Its central goal is to encourage the provision of good housing facilities. Florence Crittenton Services Florence Crittenton Service's central intention is to assist parents with their parental responsibility. This Christian nonprofit organization assists parents in raising healthy families. The organizati on provides guidance to parents with an aim of raising successful families. Other than helping parents, Florence Crittenton Services help different families to interact with the community (Worth, 2012). The interaction between families and communities promotes peaceful coexistence. The organization also seeks to promote a healthy bond between living families. It is based upon Christian values and principles because of its family vision. The goal of the organization is to empower teenagers to live a drug free life. It promotes this goal through collaborations with the teenager’s parents. This Christian organization helps in bringing up self-sufficient families that play a role in community building. It also helps teenagers to evade the sexual
Pledge to Action against Cyber-bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pledge to Action against Cyber-bullying - Essay Example Internet has truly made our school life easier. Aside from this, the Internet also keeps us close with our peers, including the long-lost ones. Through instant messaging and social media, conversations are truly easy with just a click of a mouse. It, thus, draws us closer to our loved ones, and connects us to those whom we share our interests with. Along with the good sides of the Internet are its downsides as well. With the increasing popularity of Facebook and Youtube, people sometimes make use of the strong reach of such websites to spread bad rumors about other people. This, we all know, is cyber-bullying. As pointed out by Erick Fisher in his article entitled Blah Blah Blah Blog, cyber-bullying is a phenomenon that children and adolescents seem to be increasingly using to harm others. In addition to this, Childnet International claimed in its article entitled Safe to Learn: Embedding Anti-bullying Work in School that cyber-bullying is a common feature in the lives of many young people. This is also reinforced in the online research of Robert Bamford on Cyber-bullying which stated that the significant and substantial changes in youth society are a result of new information and communication technologies. Therefore, the ease of creating and communicating in cyber space has led to changing patterns of participation. In this light, we have become active shapers of the nature of cyber world due to our capacity to develop and refine cyber communication devices. Unfortunately, it has turned out to be a bad thing. As teens, we surely want to protect our identity, be it in the real or in the cyber world. Thus, there is a need for us to come together and put an end to cyber-bullying, or at least lessen the incidences related to this negative online phenomenon. While the oldies may point at promiscuity and decadent morals of teens as the primary culprits behind cyber-bullying, we can surely prove to them that we can make an act against cyber-bullying, an act that is not only substantial, but also cool. Appeal to the Youth: Act against Cyber-bullying We believe that we are shapers the shapers of tomorrow. The future lies in our hands. With the immensity of the opportunities that lie ahead of us, it is crucial for us to ensure that we always uphold human values which will protect the dignity of human person. We always need to side with the good. Therefore, as we recognize the convergence of the mediaâ€â€which creates a more convenient venue for inter-personal communication, we need to remain stable in our values. Although we believe that the ultimate key to solving cyber-bullying is through the education of our will to always respect other people, we think that we can further concretize our actions by drafting specific measures that are relevant to us youth today. With this, let us all join hands in tightening our campaign against cyber-bullying. Let us act now! Project PTAC: Pledge to Action against Cyber-bullying According to two great adve rtising gurus David Ogilvy and Leo Burnett, a great idea is useless unless there is solid execution. Thus, to ensure that our vision is turned into a reality, we would need to get the help of each one. Execution I: PTAC Website As what most people say, ‘keep your friends close, and your enemies closer’. Obviously, if we want to help lessen cases of cyber-bullying, we have to attack it not only in the right manner, but more importantly in the right venue. Thus, the first step is
Duty of the Court and its Interpretation of Legislature Essay
Duty of the Court and its Interpretation of Legislature - Essay Example Consequently, the unnecessary strain that is being imposed on judicial system is making judiciary to do the work of the legislature. Ernest Bruncken quotes Vandereycken about the three stages in the development of judicial interpretation as the literal state, logical stage and the positive stage. The interpretation of significance finds in logical and positive stages as logical stage considers the will of lawgiver and respect for it. Whereas, the positive stage the law can be seen as the product of economic and social forces working through law giver and finding expression accordingly. Hence, in this case the question about the power and duty of the court to travel outside the law on a voyage and discovery comes to the fore. The metaphor in the above sentence deals with the nature of interpretation that deviates from the original meaning and logic of the law considered. Hence, in the context of court interpreting the law in positive stage, the exigencies of social life will be the so le consideration of the court (Ernest Bruncken, 2009). Hart's theory and concept made greater impact on contemporary positivism as he applied the radical insights of the new linguistic philosophy. According to Tebbit Mark (2000), he explained the central problems of jurisprudence with sound theoretical footing and tried to do simplify the complexity of law. As Hart acknowledged the value of Bentham and Austin's efforts of clarification and tried to expose the weaknesses of classical common law, he tried to establish the power of Courts to go beyond the intentional meaning of the law to interpret according to the social situations. As he expressed reservations about some areas of law as serious obstacles in the path of genuine understanding, he viewed the interpretation of courts about the law as the articulation of pre-existing good. Hart disagreed with Hobbes and Austin about the positive form of command theory and supported the revealing of true explanatory strength. The reason for rejection of command theory by Hart is that it did no t reflect the reality of any possible or actual legal system and its explanatory power was limited thus confining the courts to certain points while interpreting the law. In that manner he supported the power and duty of court to interpret the law according to social situations. While stating his concept Hart constructs two effective arguments. First about the essence of law that purports to explain and thus stated that the rules cannot be orders or commands. As he felt that the rules are the ones, which facilitate social transactions, the interpretation of courts plays an important role in applying the law to various social situations thus giving the power to court to go beyond the concept of the rule in law. The second argument is about the distinction between types of legal rules that talks about analysis of social practices. As he pointed out that concept of an accepted rule is missing in Austin's analysis, Hart supported the sophisticated understanding of the social practice fo llowing a rule (Tebbit, Mark (Author), 2000). The important aspect in Hart's argument is that the rules in the law are open textured. Hence, Judges have to fill the gaps by their discretion. Hence, he
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