Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Why Everyone Is Completely Mistaken Regarding Toefl Essay Samples 2013
Why Everyone Is Completely Mistaken Regarding Toefl Essay Samples 2013 That means you've got to do your homework. It appears to me that a great neighbor is somebody who respects your privacy. Within the next week or two, I'll post a prompt. Do this several times weekly. There is a good deal of additional work you can do on your own to assist you develop into a better writer. Doubtless, helping a child to learn how to read is crucial. The huge pothole on Elm Street that my mother was able to hit each day on the best way to school would be filled-in. Consult your parents to spell out the rear row to you. Below are some suggestions to help you acquire the absolute most out of your studying. It's the details that truly make this little experience come alive. Here are a few suggestions for methods to use this resource effectively. Use the blank page to experiment with various methods of expressing the exact same idea. These seven sample essays respond to a range of thought-provoking questions. To acquire the greatest scores, you will need three different, well-written reasons together with specific information. Therefore, among the lowest scores students may receive is for missing the topic. You're going to be graded on the level of your writing in addition to how well your response represents the key points of the audio clip and written passage and the way they relate to one another. He laughed and said that it turned out to be a great change a seventeen-year-old knew so specifically what she wished to do. And in order to have the time to rewrite, you must start way before the application deadline. Opt for a topic and specify a timer for thirty minutes. Last, the detail of true speech makes the scene pop. Honest, dedicated practice is a whole lot more useful and potent. There are a few ways that you can enhance your score by employing some basic strategies. While you're getting ready fo r a test, it's still possible to enjoy yourself. 5 sorts of TOEFL Essays TOEFL iBT Essay Patterns Before writing the TOEFL essay, you have to be in a position to spot the essay kind and pick the proper essay. The Writing section has two tasks. It can likewise be beneficial to review other TOEFL writing samples to receive a better idea about what a wonderful TOEFL essay appears like. Eventually, you are going to want to have a comprehensive TOEFL practice examit's the only method to be fully ready for the TOEFL. A superb essay will raise your general TOEFL score. You'll observe a similar structure in several of the essays. Don't hesitate to submit numerous essays. Replace a number of the cliched language. Again, usually you will have to choose between two opposite arguments. The following two sections will explain the format and requirements of every one of the writing tasks together with how they'll be scored. You will have to give reasons that support your choice. Compare the benefits and disadvantages. Web and media makes it possible for us to gather the newest information regarding economic conditions, political upheavals etc. occurring not just in our own nation, but other nations too. We can access any sort information with the aid of the web. We have to remember that media is the sole way by which we receive news of the planet. The television isn't far behind. The Advantages of Toefl Essay Samples 2013 The outcomes of this study demonstrate that linguistic features may be used to significantly predict essay scores in the integrated in addition to the independent writing. Please note that a few of these college essay examples could possibly be responding to prompts that are no longer being used. Many students may write excellent essays, but they need a good deal of time. For the Independent essay, you are going to have to present your own opinion, together with specifics to back this up. Writing about a different topic is a simple means to receive a very low score. Each paragraph starts with a new key point that's then explained. You don't require an introductory paragraph, but you need to definitely compose a thesis statement. For this essay, you will be graded on the level of your writing in addition to how well your response represents the principal points of the audio clip and written passage and the way in which they relate to one another. Generally, an effective response is going to be 150 to 225 words.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Theme For English B By Langston Hughes - 1273 Words
Throughout my life I have experienced many trials that are quite different to that of the narrator in â€Å"Theme for English B†; however, there are some similarities such as his life experiences, that can be compared to those of the narrator. In this poem Langston Hughes writes of a man who is given an assignment with very abstract and philosophical instructions for writing this paper. Accordingly, the narrator has some difficulties at first because he thinks of how different he and the professor is, saying â€Å"It’s not easy to know what is true for you or me at twenty-two, my age. But I guess I’m what I feel and see and hear†(16-18). Consequently, the narrator realizes the difference between his life in Harlem and the life of his white professor. This causes the narrator to be skeptical of how the professor may receive the narrators’ interpretation of the assignment. Though the narrator and I share similar characteristics and experiences it is the differences that make the most impact throughout this paper. Three major differences are his teacher’s assignment, the colleges view of him, and his life in general. While Hughes does provide much background information on the narrator’s past, he gives multiple examples of his life a student and as a citizen living at the YMCA in Harlem. Initially, the professor’s assignment provides a unique view on what normal diagnostic tests usually are, and the instructions for his assignment allow me to think of what I would write as aShow MoreRelatedLangston Hughes Theme For English B845 Words  | 4 PagesIn â€Å"Theme for English B†Langston Hughes dramatizes race and self-identity. Hughes is struggling to relate himself to his teacher and everyone around him, so he starts off by telling readers about his background such as his age and where he has lived. â€Å"I am twenty-two, colored, born in Winston- Salem†(2). Through the first stanza of the p oem we know that Hughes is living through a time where race is a big issue and not too many African American adolescents are in school like he is. He is learningRead MoreLangston Hughes Theme For English B1332 Words  | 6 PagesMy response to Langston Hughes in Theme for English B is we have a variety of interests that are relatable to both of us. We encountered and conquered the greatest battles in our lives. We confronted segregation and rejection in view of the color of our skin and identity. After reading his poem, I was reminded of how I experienced discrimination and rejection throughout public school and I was labeled an outsider. I was discriminated and rejected not only just the color of my skin, it’s becauseRead More Analysis of Theme for English B by Langston Hughes Essay1793 Words  | 8 Pages Langston Hughes was an African American poet and author who joined other black artists to break literary barriers during the civil rights movement. The poem entit led Theme for English B was written thirty years or so after the birth of the Harlem Renaissance, but still embodies why the Renaissance had originated in the first place. I believe this poem reflected on Hughes life in general, but more importantly on the fight against the ignorance that created discrimination. James Mercer LangstonRead MoreAnalysis Of Langston Hughes Poem Theme Of English B911 Words  | 4 PagesThe more you know, the greater you individual power becomes. Upon reading Langston Hughes poem â€Å"Theme of English B†I understand that knowledge does not discriminate or separate people based upon race, age, or educational level. However, it brings us together and allows us to grow. Once you obtain any form of knowledge from anyone power is gained. Every time you quire new information you become powerful. â€Å"Theme of English B†brings light that we as a nation learn from each other if we are open mindedRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Girl `` By Jamaica Kincaid And Theme For English B By Langston Hughes1228 Words  | 5 PagesHow can two completely different texts convey the same message while covering different issues? In this paper I will argue that â€Å"Girl†by Jamaica Kincaid and â€Å"Theme for English B†by Langston Hughes are both addressing the same issue but in different ways. I will look at the similarities of characters, symbolism, and text found in the story. Even though the texts are different, th ey are both revealing social issues found in society. â€Å"Girl†by Jamaica Kincaid is a short story that consists ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Langston Hughes s Poem Theme From English B 1592 Words  | 7 Pages What Lies Beneath Langston Hughes was an American poet who spent a majority of his life growing up in Cleveland, Ohio as well as Lincoln, Illinois. Hughes was able to travel across the states and to several different countries which allowed him to experience diversity and hardships like poverty and racial discrimination. His teenage years was around the time that he would start to write poetry. The poetry that he wrote throughout his life incorporated Black culture and revealed his deeper viewsRead MoreLangston Hughes Theme for English B and Gerald Graff’s Hidden Intellectualism882 Words  | 4 PagesLangston Hughes â€Å"Theme for English B†and Gerald Graff’s essay â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism†portray racial separation and intellectual isolation, respectively. Hughes’ essay is poetic justice, and Graff’s is a call to arms. Hughes’ is short and to the point and is simply what it is, no arguing or convincing, just raw thought. Graff’s is hig hly intellectual; offering examples and reasoning, and it could even be seen as a not-quite-finished plea to the nation to reevaluate our education system. But theRead MoreLangston Hughes: Spokesman for Civil Rights960 Words  | 4 PagesTracy Johnson Mr. Bush English Comp. 11 26 October 2012 Langston Hughes: Spokesman for Civil Rights The purpose of this essay is to examine the theme of three Langston Hughes poems; â€Å"I. Too,†â€Å"Mother to Son,†and â€Å"Theme for English B.†The theme of these three essays is civil rights. Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri in 1902. His parents separated early in his life, he lived with his mother in Kansas City. Langston Hughes attended High School where as a senior he wrote, â€Å"The NegroRead More`` True Freedom `` By Langston Hughes1163 Words  | 5 Pagesup for beliefs. Langston Hughes, an American poet known for his writing during the Harlem Renaissance period said, â€Å"In all my life, I have never been free. I have never been able to do anything with freedom, except in the field of my writing.†(citation). As a young African American man, Hughes faced man obstacles, but writing gave him a sense of freedom of expression. His poetry reached people of various social, cultural, and racial backgrounds. Hughes’ poetry has timeless themes that give insightRead More‚Äà ºEvaluation of ‚Äà ²Critical Essay on ‚Äà ²Theme for English B‚Äà ´Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒâ€žÃƒ ´Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒâ€žÃƒ ¹1291 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Evaluation of ‘Critical Essay on ‘Theme for English B’’†â€Å"Critical Essay on ‘Theme for English B’†, written by Chris Semansky, is just that: an analytical essay on Langston Hughes’ poem â€Å"Theme for English B†. The article is a dissection of the author’s insight on the subject matter. The paper provides a detailed assessment of the content of Langston Hughes’ work by providing the reader with perspective on Hughes’ possible thoughts about people and the way they view themselves as well as others
Monday, December 9, 2019
Middle Ages And The Renaissance Essay Example For Students
Middle Ages And The Renaissance Essay Middle Agesand The RenaissanceIn many eras, events happened as a reaction,and often an overreaction, to events of the prior era. In the MiddleAges, a proper education was extremely rare for the common people. As a reaction to the Middle Ages, in the early renaissance, there was astrong focus on a classical education consisting of Greek, Latin, the classics,and art. As the population and economy grew and books became more readilyavailable, people became disillusioned with the impractical classical education,demanding an education leading to practical professions. In the early renaissance, emphasis wasredirected from clerical to secular life. The secular humanist ideaheld that the church should not rule civic matters, but should guide onlyspiritual matters. The church disdained the accumulation of wealth andworldly goods, supported a strong but limited education, and believed thatmoral and ethical behavior was dictated by scripture. Humanists,however, believed that wealth enabled them to do fine, noble deeds, thatgood citizens needed a good, well-rounded education, and that moral andethical issues were related more to secular society than to spiritual concerns. Humanists paid close attention to classical studies because most of thehumanist philosophy was based on Greek and Roman ideas. In addition tothe study of Latin and Greek, a classical education consisted of scientificmatters, government, rhetoric, philosophy and art. In the Middle Ages, the church discouragededucation to keep people under the control of the church. Peoplewere guided by the teachings of the church and had little opinion to whatwas being told to them. Books were also very costly and were mostlywritten in Latin, an unfamiliar language to the common people. Peoplewere taught Greek and Latin so that they could understand the books availableto them. In 1445, Gutenberg invented the printing press, making booksmore plentiful and therefore affordable for the educated middle class. They also began printing books in European languages. By the late stages of the renaissance,the population started to rise dramatically and the economy started toboom. With a larger population, more merchants and tradesman andother people with practical skills were needed. With books more readilyavailable, people demanded books in the many languages of Europe. As a result, the concentration in education focused on local languages,practical mathematics, science and trades. Although the renaissance reversed the practicesof medieval times by restoring education in the classics and gave rebirthto independent thought, the masses demanded a redirection of educationto practical and useful skills. The focus on humanism forced theChurch to play a secondary role in peoples lives. Despite the changesin education and philosophy during the renaissance, Europe eventually moldeditself into a well-rounded society.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Morgan Elizabeth PhD. Contemporary I ssues sexual Essays
Morgan Elizabeth PhD. "Contemporary I ssues sexual orientation and identity development in emerging adulthood" Am J Psychiatry . March 1985 Elizabeth Morgan is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Psychology and is the current director of the Family Studies Initiative. She received her Ph.D. in developmental psychology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 2008. Dr. Morgan's research focuses on adolescent and young adult sexual and romantic relationship development and sexual orientation. Much of her work emphasizes sexual orientation and sexual identity development, especially among young women and men. With her research mainly targeting college students. Dr. Elizabeth main point in the article is telling the reader that sexual orientation has many stages of identification. What she's trying convey the reader is an open perspective that sexual orientation can come in many different stages of life that young women are most likely to realize their sexual identity at a younger age do the fact women reach a maturity level that's higher than men at a younger age. How D r . Elizabeth Morgan is trying to convey to the reader is by a research that she did in 2010 she gathered a group of men and women form all different types of race, culture, religion and countries and her studies concluded that no matter what a woman would always know their sexual identity at a younger age. The author's qualifications are very o utstanding with her qualification's helping her with the study that she did in 2018 focusing psychology of young men and women. She published this article in Springfield MA in the year 2012 which does not affect her credential's do the fact of her study focusing on the target audience of young adulthood in sexual orientation . Her work contributes and adds a different perspective an d point of view with the nature part of my qu estion that no matter in what religion , culture, and country that women really found what sexual orient ation they are no matter the different variables. Some thing that I have found that comes up the same in many different articles that I read is that fact the men around the world with different cultures and and religion and background men take longer to accept their sexual orientation do the fact that she says in this article that men take away from a father figure more than women take from their mothers and that men growing up being influenced by dad more them women take from their mothers.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Surprise! Good Luck With Your Raisin. Professor Ramos Blog
Surprise! Good Luck With Your Raisin. I remember going to the hospital to simply run some tests, after an appointment with my OBGYN- obstetrician/ gynecologist- showed some minor concerns. I still hear one of the nurses talking down to me because of the many glasses of strawberry lemonade I had for lunch beforehand. She told me because it’s because she was concerned with my sugar intake, she assumed I drank like that all the time. My mother -who’s a short, blond haired, blue eyed woman- had left me so that she could have a smoke break, which was not a real concern. By the time the doctor and his colleagues came in, I was annoyed and not particularly worried about the baby. As this elderly man with a routine expression and a calm demeanor stepped into the room, he proceeds to say, â€Å"I’m afraid I don’t like the baby not being as active as she should,†I froze, completely terrified within an instant, â€Å"so, me and the other doctors want to induce you.†I was all alone not rea lly registering what was being said. â€Å"Okay,†I muttered, â€Å"when?†Without hesitation, â€Å"right now.†Eighteen hours later Luna Esther-Kay, this beautiful purple little raisin was plopped into my arms. The first thing you learn as a parent is to enjoy that first moment, the surreal experience of love in its purest form. That night in the hospital I couldn’t help but wake her to check if she was still breathing, still alive, and, to this day, I still do. If only I had known what was really in store for our future, learning to be a mother and parent at a young age, because by this time so much has changed already. The Day Luna was Born At the end of my first year in college I was working thirty-nine hours, getting my soul sucked out at a dead-end job, and selling chicken to rude customers in WingStop. I was also attending classes at Crafton Hills and, at the time, I stacked my course load to thirteen and a half units. Towards the end I was exhausted, mentally and physically, and when I became homeless I wanted to give up on even wanting to try any further causing me to quit my job, and I stopped going to class, which later put me in hot water with Financial Aid. I took up work on a ranch where, to my surprise, I became pregnant. The last two years since has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions and experiences, having to learn to be a parent, a mom, to an overly upset little human being. It wasn’t until I had Luna in my arms our second night, my mom struggling to figure out how to attach the car seat, that I tasted the first hints of motherhood. Luna cried inconsolably the whole ride home from the hospital. Completely drained we arrived, only to have her go into a second fit of screams. Tears in my eyes I looked at my mom mustering the words, â€Å"mom, what- what do I do she won’t stop crying?†She responded with complete sympathy in her eyes, â€Å"She’s probably just hungry.†Even though I fed Luna before the ride home, she was starving by the time we arrived and later that night she provided even more of a challenge, as I woke every hour to her screaming. I would feed, change her diaper, put her back down and as I slowly drifted to sleep, she would wake again. It’s hard to say if I developed mother instincts where I could sense if she was waking up, or that I felt her movements and stirring in the night but, eventually, w ith time, I got so skilled at being in tune with her, that I would wake and feed her before she even began crying. Luna smiling because she distracted mommy from her homework I was on my last leg of sanity, sleep depravity wise by the sixth month because at this point, for one hundred eighty days, I had received no longer than three hours of sleep within a single stretch of time. I thought perhaps I was developing permanent brain damage, and maybe I still do. Luckily around two months, having little reward for my nightly efforts, as I snuggled my nose into Luna’s cheeks, she cracked a smile. Which was a far cry from her odd occasional cross-eyed incidents, having me run to my mom in fear that I did something wrong. Now, little by little, my little one was becoming a human being. I had a lot of help from my mom’s wisdom, she taught me how to ask for help. Eventually, with time, she was sleeping through the night, in her own crib, all it took was for me to get her in her own bed. With that my sanity came back as I finally got a full nights sleep as well. An even bigger accomplishment she made was when she started to walk and crawl. At two months she was army crawling -crawling without the use of the legs- and at eleven months she was walking. She clearly did not want to stay in one place, and I had to learn this very early on, as she showed curiosity towards all things, to observe all sounds and actions. Her adventurous personality shows to this day as she runs to anything of interest, making it very difficult to keep her safe. Somehow, she can find the oddest things to put in her mouth, even when I’ve cleaned the whole house. In our small garden there’s a chive plant, and it’s her kryptonite. She tears down the long flimsy stalks and chews away. Her skills continue to progress as she mastered coordinated crawling and, later walking, a new adventure unfolded for me and her as we began to try solid foods, which helped establish her independence. She needed me less, which opened me up to do other things while she w as eating in the highchair. Lunas First Birthday Often, I sincerely believe my daughter has inherited my picky eating and tastes. When Luna first started trying solids, she was fairly easy to tend to, she’d simply eat anything you put in her mouth! Unfortunately, by some reason, or another, she grew to throw tantrums about the kind of foods I’d give her. Specifically, she didn’t want to be fed with utensils, she wanted to feed herself by hand, and that was that. She was an independent baby and had no time to wait for you to feed her with a spoon. She’d truly get angry if she couldn’t eat her baby Cheetos, bread and fruit by herself. You should see it; if a spoon comes near her, â€Å"she fiercely shakes her head†pushing to squirm out of the highchair. Although, now I’ve learned that all she wanted was to feed herself. Slowly things have gotten easier, because of her growing independence.She’s able to learn and be disciplined because all her needs have been met. In psychology they call this a childs emotional tank. â€Å"By speaking your child’s own love language†-there are five- â€Å"he is much easier to discipline and train†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Chapman and Campbell 17) I think, perhaps this is why things are easier because all her needs are constantly being met. Also, her daycare helps but with that, the difficult vice is not spending time with her as much. When Luna turned nine months old, I finally received the phone call from our local daycare center informing me of an opening. Soon I toured the center, the excitement in my chest rose as I observed the activities and amount of attention she would be receiving. I was so grateful for this help, for I was in desperate need by this point. Daycare allowed me to have a break to do other productive things like laundry, dishes and going to the store without having to lug Luna around in a heavy car seat. Luna had also turned into a grumpy, destructive, curious little shit monster, getting into everything she wasn’t supposed to. Daycare seemed to settle her curiosity enough. Despite the difficulties I still find myself feeling jealous and resentful towards her teachers, because she has bonded with them more, especially since I started working again. Lunas First Paining in Daycare I was utterly surprised when one morning I awoke to a text that read: â€Å"Hey Melissa. How’s it going, girl? I know you never thought you would hear from me again. But. Hi, I need to ask a question.†It was from my old WingStop manager. I was taken aback but happily curious as to why she was contacting me. I wrote back that the Lord works in mysterious ways, she told me that they were hiring at the place she worked. Well, to be perfectly honest I wasn’t really, at this point in time looking for work because I had signed up for summer and fall classes. Because of my past I was afraid to put myself in a situation that was too much to handle. Regardless of that fear I responded that I was interested. One week later I was working as a hostess/busser the hours long and exhausting. Especially as it just took more time from my daughter. Things were only going to become harsher when summer classes started. Proverbs 3:5-6 School, in itself, has never been particularly difficult for me. It’s the sitting on your ass for hours on end listening to a professor excitedly talk about the most –to them- amazing, but truly boring subject. Then I come home to do more homework as my daughter begs for my attention, tearing my work, crumbling it in her sweet chubby hands. I’ve had to change where and when I do my homework to try to work around spending time with Luna. Its hard to be a parent while trying to get your life together. But I remind myself that I’m doing this so I can provide for her in the future. All the moments my daughter has gifted me in the last year have truly made me grow and mature into the person Im content on being. In the last year, learning how to feed, teach, care for a child all while going back to school and work has been difficult and my attention has been on work and school so that possibly later my attention can solely be on my daughter I’m still learning on how to be a mother every step of the way. Its truly been a journey and I cant wait for more to learn. Campbell, Ross Chapman, Gary. The Five Love Languages of Children. Chicago, Moody Press, 1997.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Different from, Different to, Different than
Different from, Different to, Different than Different from, Different to, Different than Different from, Different to, Different than By Maeve Maddox We all have our pet grammar peeves, usages that, when we hear them, affect us like the sound of a fingernail against a chalkboard. Ill bet Im not the only one who shudders to hear sentences like these: A boxer is different than a Doberman. This car is different to that one. Yet, are these usages really incorrect? According to the entry for different from, different to, different than at, These three have been usage items for many years. All are Standard and have long been so (different to is limited to British English, however), but only different from seems never to meet objections. Elements of Style weighs in against different than: Here logic supports established usage: one thing differs from another, hence, different from. Or, other than, unlike. From H.W. Fowler comes this pronouncement: That different can only be followed by from and not by to is a superstition. He points out that writers of all ages have used different to. He does not mention the use of different than. It would seem, then, that any of the three is acceptable. Nevertheless, the concluding advice at agrees with my own: for Formal and Oratorical levels: stick with different from. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 10150 Synonyms for â€Å"Idea†25 Idioms About Bread and Dessert
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Management Accounts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Management Accounts - Essay Example For example, the cost of labour engaged in a service department can be charged wholly and directly but the canteen expenses of the factory cannot be charged directly and wholly. Its proportionate share will have to be found out. Charging of costs in the former case will be termed as "allocation of costs" whereas in the latter, it will be termed as "apportionment of costs." Management Accounting is an indispensable tool for any business unit to set budgets. It sets standard costs and actual costs of processes, departments or products and through variance analysis measure the profitability and social use of funds. This assists the management to attract more investors and tap potential funding sources. The main aim of costing is the providing crucial management information to ascertain costs, proper allocation of costs to a centre of responsibility, cost planning and control. Further, it provides the necessary information to plan the cost of operation and ability to monitor and control those cost against the plan. Costing can provide all the information required for the effective management decisions. The effective costing is therefore essential for survival of any business. 3.2 Methods of costing Costing can be defined as the procedure and technique of ascertaining costs. The principles in every method of costing are same but the methods of analyzing and presenting the costs differ with the nature of business. The methods of costing are as follows: Absorption Costing Marginal Costing Job Costing Activity Based Costing Batch Costing 3.2.1 Absorption Costing Absorption costing means that all of the manufacturing costs are absorbed by the units produced. In other words, the cost of a finished unit in inventory will include direct materials, direct labour, and both variable and fixed manufacturing overhead. As a result, absorption costing is also termed as full costing or the full absorption method. 3.2.2 Marginal costing Marginal cost means the cost of the marginal or last unit produced. It is also defined as the cost of one more or one less unit produced besides existing level of production. Marginal costing may be defined as the technique of presenting cost data wherein variable costs and fixed costs are shown separately for managerial decision-making. Marginal costing technique has given birth to a very useful concept of contribution
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Exploring the Chess Discourse Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Exploring the Chess Discourse Community - Essay Example From this paper, it is clear that the Chess discourse community is comprised of people who have an interest in the game of chess. Chess is a board game that is played by two players who apply different strategies and tactics to beat the opponent. Each player starts with 16 different pieces of knights, rooks, bishops, pawns, a queen, and a king with the main objective being to capture the opponent’s king. The main issues of concern for the chess discourse community are ways to play chess and the opportunity to help each other in developing chess-playing skills. Members of the chess community aim at winning many games and rising to rank within the community. According to the study findings, the discourse community undertakes the objective of organizing and facilitating chess tournaments between members in the group and chess communities in other institutions. Knowledge in the group constitutes information about ways to play chess. Knowledge is the community is created expe rimentally and through discussion. Members can learn new strategies and tactics by experimenting during games against other members. Members can also gain new knowledge through discussions and conversations with other members. The chess discourse community utilizes a complex language in interactions between members. During chess tournaments between members, the common words exchanged between the players are â€Å"Checkmate†, â€Å"Check†and â€Å"Adjust†.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls Essay Example for Free
Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls Essay I encourage girls to search within themselves for their deepest values and beliefs. Once they have discovered their own true selves, I encourage them to trust that self as the source of meaning and direction in their lives†Mary Pipher, Ph. D. Clinical psychologist Mary Pipher has brought widespread attention to the loss of true-self, experienced by adolescent girls in her critically acclaimed book, Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls. Whitaker, 2006). In her book, Pihper addresses the development issues of adolescent girls, the culture they live in and how their needs are and are not being met. She explains that our failure as a society, is not giving our children good, sound advice on how to become a decent, functioning adults and our unwillingness to do so, is destroying our culture (Pihper, 2002). She also offers insightful advice as to how, we as a society can encourage our adolescent girls to remain true to their authentic selves. Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls More than anything, I want to save my children from the pain and self-imposed isolation I experienced during adolescence. As a parent, I want to shelter my children, make all of the hard decisions for them and protect them from any harm that comes their way. As a realist, I understand that the experiences of adolescences are necessary to build character, strength and integrity. As a dreamer, I want my children to magically transcend into adulthood, unscathed from the trauma of their teens years. As a future psychologist, I agree that our children are growing up in a poisonous culture and without intervention; we will all suffer (Pipher, 1994). When I looked up this book and noticed its publication date (1994), my first thought was, â€Å"How relevant can this book be, it’s almost 20 years old? †The issues adolescents faced in the early 1990’s are not the same issues that my children are dealing with in 2013. American cultural has changed significantly in the last 20 years. Society as a whole, has become more aware, more understanding and more proactive; we’re willing to acknowledge the faults of past ideology and we’re eager enact positive change. We’re involved; we’re conscientious and we’re dedicated the betterment of society. Yet with all of our good intentions, our adolescent girls are drowning in vast sea of negativity and losing their true authentic selves, to an over sexed, hypercritical, media crazed culture. The most important message it took from Mary Pipher’s book, Reviving Ophelia, is how damaging and belittling our culture is to the development of adolescent girls. We are living the â€Å"information age†and there is very little parents can do to shield or protect their children from the harmful influences of the media. The internet and social media has taken over society and negatively impacted our culture in numerous ways. Children are exposed to sexual, violent content so often and from such an early age that they’ve become indifferent to it. Even the movies, music and television programs that are specifically geared towards adolescents, often advocates under-age drinking, drug use, defiant behavior and overt sexuality. As a result, our children are growing-up too fast. My twelve year old daughter is dealing with issues that were once considered to be taboo even for adults, such as sexting and posting naked picture online. Parents and the media often contradict one another, which further confuses adolescents (Pipher, 2002). Parents are trying to establish healthy boundaries and instill moral values, such as kindness, respect, consideration and modesty. Their goal is to produce happy, well adjusted, morally sound adults. The media, on the other hand, purely wants to make money by pushing products and opinions (Pipher, 2002). All facets of the media push, sell, and glorify sexuality over newsworthy content. These types of media encourage self-doubt and insecurity in girls by teaching them to worry about their sexuality, popularity and attractiveness (Pipher, 2002). Pipher blames the inescapable influence of the media, in part, for the eradication of self-esteem and loss of true identity among young impressionable girls (Whitaker, 2006). Throughout time, the needs of our children have not substantially changed (Pipher, 2002). They still need love, understanding, protection, acceptance and guidance to grow and thrive. It’s our culture and expectations, or lacks thereof, that have changed; we no longer expect people to do the right thing. Our culture has become much more sexualized, violent and dangerous for adolescent girls; 44 percent of all rape victims are under the age of 18 (Rainn, 2009). Startling statistics like these make it difficult for parents to balance their adolescent’s need for safety against their need for autonomy. These changes have also made it much harder for young women to identify and ultimately get what they need (Pipher, 1994). Our culture encourages adolescent, girls and boys, to distance themselves from their parents (the people that care most and know them best) as a sign of independence (Pipher, 2002). When adolescents are in their most vulnerable/impressionable state, their parents are unable to help them navigate difficult life altering situations. For the lack of better option, adolescents turn to their peers and media (Facebook) for advice and guidance: which leads to confusion and loss of self (Pipher, 2002). Mary Pipher explained, the problems that girls (adolescents) are having is not because of dysfunctional families, as much as a dysfunctional culture. I found this perspective refreshing. For many years, family members, especially mothers, have been blamed for their daughter’s (adolescents) unhappiness and emotional issues (Pipher, 1994). Parents are not the only ones responsible. They cannot protect their children from everything and everyone. Our culture and society are responsible as well; we all have an obligation to the youth of our nation. As a society, we are failing to provide a safe, nurturing environment for our children to flourish. As a culture, we are failing an entire generation of young women by allowing the media to dictate the value of external and internal beauty. We are also allowing the media to teach our culture, that it’s acceptable to view children in an overly mature, sexualized manor (Pipher, 1994). Adolescence has always been a time of turbulence and strife but in today’s culture, girls and young women feel overly pressured to conform to society’s unrealistic expectations of beauty, sexuality and femininity. During childhood, girls are praised for their kindness, academics, sports ability and natural talents. During adolescence, their childhood accomplishments and personal strengths are minimized or devalued and their sense of â€Å"self†becomes dependent upon their perceived level of attractiveness (Pipher, 1994). Girls who do not feel attractive or â€Å"normal,†see their bodies as a personal failure and are left feeling worthless and/or excluded. Pipher explains that an adolescent’s lack of emotional maturity, makes it difficult for them to hold onto their true-selves and not fall prey to our over sexualized culture. Girls are encouraged to sacrifice their true-selves and they are expected to mold themselves into what society wants from its young women. In a sense, their identity is strip away so their sexuality and attractiveness can surface. Society has little concern for who these young women want to become or what they’re capable of accomplishing (Pihper, 1994). Our culture doesn’t typically embrace or reward individuality, unless it comes in a pretty, blatantly sexualized, package. Girls respond to cultural or societal pressures by being angry, developing depression, withdrawing and by conforming (Pihper, 2002). Pipher explains that insecure girls often â€Å"lead with their sexuality,†as if it’s their only redeemable quality and all they have to offer. As a parent, how can I help my children navigate a media obsessed culture that I do not truly understand? How do you limit the dangerous influence of the internet and Social media; it’s everywhere, all the time? This is not the culture or society that I grew up in, the rules have changed and the stakes are much higher. I feel like I’m running a never ending race against peer pressure and media influence; whoever wins the race gets to keep my child’s soul and dignity. The idea of losing my sweet, loving twelve year old daughter to title wave of uncontrollable, irrational hormones is terrifying. Like most parents, I fear adolescence. I clearly remember my own â€Å"war path†through my teen years. I needlessly pushed and distanced myself from my family. I was very â€Å"uncool†to get along with your parents. I fought viciously for independence, which really meant doing whatever I wanted. I lied, skipped school, snuck out at night, stole liquor and drank to the point of passing out. I felt misunderstood and disconnected from everything. I deeply craved companionship; so much so that I allowed myself to be used by unworthy, equally damaged people. The peer pressure was so intense and my need for acceptance ruled my life. It was a very confusing time and I tortured myself and my parents. I remember how lost I felt, how hopeless it all seemed, how angry I was and how much I hated my body. I was too short, too fat, teeth were crooked and my chest was too big. I breast developed quickly; in junior high, I was 34 C-cup and by high school, I was a 36 D-cup. I got a lot of inappropriate and unwanted attention, that I didn’t know what to do with. Men/Boys liked me too much and women seemed to be bothered or intimidated by me. Some of my girlfriends were jealous, while others were overly critical. The attention I received permanently changed how I saw myself and how I interacted with the people around me. I went from being a tiny, abrasive tomboy, who was always fighting to be seen as an adult, to being viewed in a completely sexualized manor. The media has taught women, of all ages, that their most revered, important qualities are sexuality and appearance (Pipher, 1994). Adolescent girls are constantly bombarded with distorted, over sexed images of what beauty should look like. You have to be tall, ridiculously thin, wear expensive clothes, have perfectly straight teeth, flawless skin and above all else, exude sex (Pipher, 2002). When young women compare themselves to the images they see on television, in movies and on advertisements, they’re often left feeling inadequate and confused about their own bodies. The media’s idea of what constitutes attractiveness or what beauty looks like is often unattainable, unhealthy and unnatural. The average fashion model is 5’10/5’11 and weighs 110 pound (Pipher, 1994). According to the Center for Disease Control (2007-2010) the average American girl, at age 11 is 4’11†and weighs 104. 8 pounds; an average American girl, at age 15 is 5’4†and weighs 139. 6 pounds; the average American women over the age of 20, is 5’4†and weighs 166. 2 pounds. These statistics are mind-blowing and sad. How can we expect adolescent girls to have a healthy understanding of beauty and body image, when the average 11 year old girl (at the beginning of adolescence) is just 6 pounds shy of the average fashion model? How, as a society, do we expect our young women to develop positive attitudes about weight, height and appearance when we continually glorify an unrealistic and often unattainable standard of what beautiful is? When the media portrays â€Å"beauty†in such an unnatural way (being supper skinny) adolescent girls will do unhealthy, extreme things to be thin; which often leads to eating disorders (Pipher, 1994). Bulimia Nervosa is the most common eating disorder among young adolescent women, ages 14-24 years old (Duke University, 2010). People with bulimia will binge eat or consume large amounts of food in a short amount of time; an average of 3,000 – 5,000 calories within an hour (Smith amp; Segal, 2012). After binging, the bulimic feels compelled to purge or rid the body of the recently consumed food by vomiting, excessively exercising, or abusing laxatives and diuretics. Approximately 1 out of every 50 American women will suffer from bulimia at some point in her life (Duke University, 2010). Bulimia Nervosa can become all-consuming and take over the adolescent’s entire thought process. Every decision, in one way or another, is about food. In the beginning, bulimia makes them feel powerful, in control and invincible. For the first time in their life they can eat whatever they want, it doesn’t count, the calories don’t matter because they can get rid of them. No harm, no fowl! Slowly, over time, they come to realize that they are not in control, they’re eating disorder is. The uncontrollable compulsion to binge and purge interferes with relationships, daily routine and their life in general. In an attempt to hide their eating disorder, adolescents may isolate themselves from friend and family, which only exacerbate their illness. Pipher offers some great advice on how, we as a society, can encourage and effect positive change in the lives young women. She list 6 essential things that all adolescent girls need. First) Physical and Psychological Safety: Girls need the ability to thinks clearly and the permission to feel what they feel, without fear of punishment or ridicule. Second) Love and Friendship: Girls need the love of their parents. They need to develop lasting relationships that are based on mutual respect, love and understanding. Third) Useful Work and Skills: Girls need feel useful and purposeful by develop skills that promote personal accomplishments and success. Fourth) Opportunity to Grow: Girls need time, compassion and guidance as they develop into total functioning human beings. Five) Self-Defense Training: Girls need to feel empowered; they need to know that they can take care of themselves, that they are not passive victims.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
King James 1 and the Church Essay example -- Essays Papers
King James 1 and the Church King James IV, of Scotland, seized the English throne in 1603 after the death of Elizabeth I and became James I of England. He was the son of Mary Queen of Scots and had been King of Scotland since 1567. During his reign, James increased the power of the monarchy making his rule absolute. James I was involved with every area of government. Under his rule Scotland and England were united, the King James Version of the Bible was published, William Shakespeare and various other writers prospered, education thrived, and the American colonies were founded.[1] However, James faced many problems with unifying the government. One of the main problems was the religious conflict existing within the Church of England. Anglicans and Puritans wanted the church organized in separate ways, but King James felt a unified state church would create a more powerful government God had given James the right to rule and therefore non-conformity to religious policies was a sin against God. Although he wanted one state church, James believed compromise and toleration would naturally drive citizens to become members, conforming to the policies of the Church of England. Throughout his reign James attempted to decrease religious tensions, as people hoped to increase their influence and role they played in the decisions of the church. There was a distinct split within the Church of England between the Puritans and the Anglicans. The Puritans were members of the Church of England, wanting reformation. They wished to eliminate of some ceremonies and dogmas closely resembling those of the Catholic Church. Puritans were more devout Christians then regular members. They believed the Sabbath should be strictly observe... ... wasn’t completely unified, James did make changes that improved conditions. Since he wasn’t completely intolerable of other viewpoints he created a strong central government for one of the first times in English histories. Notes 1. Stephen A. Coston, â€Å" King James I of England Interesting Facts†(10/20/00) A.V. Publications Corp. 2. S. J, Houstan, James I, 1st ed.. (Great Britain:Lowe and Brydone, 1973), 16. 3. Houstan, 57. 4. Antonia Fraser, King James I of England, 1st ed. (New York:Alfred A. Knopf, 1975), 104. 5. Fraser, 105. 6. G.B. Harrison, A Jacobean Journal, 1st ed. (London: George Routledge and Sons, 1941), 105 7. Harrison, 106. 8. Fraser, 117. 9. Harrison, 152. 10. Houstan, 61. 11. Fraser, 182. 12. Houstan, 63. 13. Fraser, 182.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Nick Djokovic Essay
In today’s world, there are many sport figures one can look up to. We have chosen the best of the best in the tennis world, Novak Djokovic. Djokovic is a Serbian professional tennis player who is currently ranked world number 1 by the Association of Tennis Professionals. Despite being the underdog during his early years as a professional tennis player, he is now the best professional tennis player overtaking the previous king of tennis Rafael Nadal. Ever since the age of four, he has been interested in tennis. Unlike most children his age, it was not a fleeting interest. He was determined to achieve his dream of becoming the best tennis player in the world. With his steadfast dream, he has won six Grand Slam titles and has brought him to where he is now. This report will cover Djokovic’s personality, values and attitude, motivation and leadership skills that had helped him to achieve his dream. The points highlighted are also the main reason he is worth following as an influential leader. 2.0 Personality The big five model of personality consists of extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience. Djokovic can be seen as a person that is highly extrovert as he is fun-loving, expressive and sociable. During his comeback as the winner in the Australian Open, he was so overjoyed that he threw his racket, wristbands and his shirt to his fans (AOL News, 2011). Djokovic is also socially attached to his fans that he created an application known as ‘Nole4You’ that focuses on a direct coverage of Djokovic’s real time games (New & Newsworthy, 2012a). On the other hand, Djokovic is low on the neurotism category as he is much balanced and emotionally stable. According to Suttles (2013), Djokovic was â€Å"gracious in defeat†as every defeat he channels it back into better concentration for the next match. Next, Djokovic is rather high on the agreeableness meter as he shows a great deal of care towards others through his charities. Djokovic created the Novak Djokovic Foundation which supports young children from disadvantaged communities especially in native Serbia (New & Newsworthy, 2012b). Besides that, he was also elected as the ambassador of The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Serbia as he was utterly concern in the welfare of the people in his hometown as well as the importance in early childhood education in Native Serbia (Look To The Stars, 2011). He was also keen in participating in fights for the betterment of society such as the fight against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) which required him to use the Head Red special edition bag collection from Head to the French Open Grand Slam (Look To The Stars, 2013a). Djokovic is also high in conscientiousness as he is responsible for his career and he is well organized after his achievement in the Australian Open. Although being reckless in his previous season, he is where he is now due to his hard work in perfecting his service techniques and getting his diet right (Carter, 2011). According to Djokovic in an interview, he wants to be consistent in his games and to do this, he has to stay fit and take care of his health and physical condition (The National, 2011). Lastly, Djokovic is very open to new experience. One afternoon in year 2010, Djokovic received a phone call from Dr. Igor Cetojevic who said that his fatigue in the 2010 Aussie Open was due to his diet that consists of glutens that caused an accumulation of toxins in his large intestines. Djokovic listened to his advice to practice a gluten-free diet as well as to build him up spiritually. Besides that, Djokovic also took risk to change his serve technique as advised by Marian Vajda. As a result of Djokovic’s openness, he no longer suffers from fatigues and he felt much happier and balanced. In addition, a change in his serve technique enabled him to defeat the former world number one five times consecutively and brought him to the top of the tennis world (Saslow, 2012). 3.0 Values and Attitude As a well-known figure in the world of tennis, Djokovic has certain values that enable him to enjoy the success that he has today. According to George and Jones (2012, p.93), values are defined as personal convictions about what one should strive for in life and how one should behave. Values are further divided into two categories; work values and ethical values. In terms of work values, there are intrinsic and extrinsic work values. In definition, intrinsic work values are values that are related to the nature of the work itself. Some examples of intrinsic work values that are prominent in Djokovic’s work are the ability to make important contributions to the public, the interesting work and the challenging work that can be done. Firstly, in terms of the ability to make important contributions to the public, Djokovic is well known for his philanthropic work. Due to this status as the highest ranked tennis player, he is very well-connected and is able to influence his fans over his beliefs. From this, he has helped to raise awareness for AIDS, human trafficking, poverty, human rights, women’s rights, children’s rights and many more (Look To The Stars, 2013b). Aside from that, his ability to make important contributions to the public and society is further supported by his status as the ambassador of UNICEF in Serbia. Aside from him advertising his beliefs on social media such as Facebook, Twitter and his video blog, UNICEF has also advertised their cause through Djokovic because of his popularity among the younger generation (UNICEF, 2011). Although generating a high pay from his career, he did not choose this career lifestyle because of it. He started playing tennis at the age of four and played professionally when he was 16 years old. This is due to his passion and interest in tennis. He has trained and played in every single tennis tournament to gain the experience he needed. Even though he has been injured quite a number of times in terms of ankle and knee injuries, that has never stopped him from pursuing his dream of being the best tennis player (Mitchell, 2013). However challenging his work may be, Djokovic never gave up. He continuously pursues his dream of being the best. After relentless practice and competitions, he finally replaced Roger Federer as the top ranked tennis player in the world. This attitude of his is admirable and serves as a constant reminder to his fans that nothing is impossible. On the other hand, extrinsic values are values that are related to the consequences of work. One of the more prominent extrinsic values is the high salary. Not only does he get paid for playing tennis, he gets paid through his endorsements deals with well-known companies such as UNIQLO, Fitline and Telekom Srbjia (Badenhausen, 2011). His salary also includes appearance fees, exhibitions and prize money. Besides that, his career as a tennis player provides him with many job benefits. One of the many is fame. Unlike most athletes, Djokovic enjoys being in the limelight and often shares news and funny anecdotes of his life with his fans. Next, his job provides very flexible working hours. He practices his tennis with his coaches at any time he wants. Due to his flexible working hours, he gets to spend more time with his family and to indulge in vacations as well as hobbies. According to George and Jones (2012, p.97), work attitude is defined as the collection of feelings, beliefs and thoughts about how to behave in one’s job and organisation. Although similar to values, work attitudes are more specific and are not as constant as values as work attitudes change over time. In 2008, although he was winning tournaments, Djokovic hired a new fitness coach in hopes that it will help boost his performance. After the change, he was able to defeat the two reigning champions in the tennis world, namely, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. His attitude changed once a new factor was introduced into his life (ESPN, 2010). 4.0 Motivational Theories Everyone in the world possesses a particular set of skills that they are good at in their lives. People who managed to realize their potential often harness that skill and sharpen it to become a much better person. During those times, motivation towards that ability drives them to keep pushing forward in harnessing those skills. Many professional sportsmen and sportswomen started training during childhood. Motivation is what has kept them and pushed them into training harder every day until they finally achieve their goal. According to George and Jones (2012, p. 183), there are three elements of work motivation; direction of behavior, level of effort and level of persistence. Novak Djokovic, world’s best tennis player, possessed all these three elements. For example, although his family had economic problems in Serbia, he still chose to fly to Germany to train despite only being 12 years old. Even as a child, he loved tennis with a passion. He once skipped afternoon classes in school just so he could attend tennis training with his coach (PRPepper Production, 2012). His passion, effort and persistence during training are boundless. His motivation was driven because he loved tennis rather than his parents forcing the sport on him. 4.1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Djokovic’s efforts and achievements relate a lot to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs consists of five different types of needs from the lowest to the highest; physiological, safety, belongingness, esteems and self-actualization needs (George and Jones, 2012, p. 187). The two needs most emphasized by Djokovic are the esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Right from the beginning, Djokovic was always focused and determined to be the best in the tennis world, which directly means beating the best players in the world such as Roger Federer, Andy Murray, Tommy Haas and Rafael Nadal. Esteem needs emphasizes on an individual being recognized and respected by others (George and Jones, 2012, p.187). Djokovic strived hard during his early years under the guidance of Nikola Pilic. At the age of 16, he was awarded the champion of â€Å"La Boule†. This event leads to the start of his professional career (PRPepper Prodcutions, 2012). However, he did not stop that as he was motivated aim higher. This further explains Maslow’s self-actualization need theory, which is defined as â€Å"needs to realize one’s full potential as a human being†. Djokovic trained hard every day motivated by one goal; to be the best tennis player in the world. Due to him having a high self-actualisation, Djokovic obtained the title of being the best tennis player in the ATP rankings in 2012 after obtaining a 43% winning rate in 2011. Today, Djokovic is further motivated by his lost to Rafeal Nadal in the 2013 French Open. Instead of giving up, Djokovic evaluates his loss as a sense of motivation to train harder in order to win the next tournament, Wimbledon (Gajaria, 2013).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Study: Early Marriage Likely Cause of Divorce in UAE
Early marriage is probably the main cause of divorce in the UAE; some 31. 5 percent of divorced women of all nationalities in the Gulf state were married before age 14, according to a recent ministry of labor and social affairs study. The study said that 23. 7 percent of the divorced men married between the ages of 20 and 24. â€Å"This and other statistics feature in a recent study on divorce carried out by the ministry of labor and social affairs which found, for instance, that 43 percent of the time it was the woman who sought divorce,†said the study, cited by the Gulf News. With men, the figure stood at 39 percent. Twelve percent of divorce cases were arrived at on mutual agreement. †The study stressed that in many cases couples were divorced after they chose to share accommodation with their families. Thirty-four percent of divorced women lived with their husbands' families, and 8. 7 percent of divorced men lived with their wives' relatives. Financial reasons were another key reason for divorce, said the study: 45 percent of divorced people demanded independent budgets and allegedly refused to render any financial help to the other partner.According to the paper, the study warned that the ease in obtaining divorce papers from Sharia Courts was another reason for the UAE's rising divorce rate. Some 67 percent of divorced people said they found it very easy to obtain divorce papers and process their separation without any requirements or conditions. The study said the cultural and intellectual level of divorced couples played no role in the divorce. It found that 78 percent of divorced people had virtually equivalent cultural standards.But a similar study on divorce conducted by the UAE Center for Strategic Studies and Research found that the educational level of women and divorce rates were linked, with 70 percent of divorced women holding only preparatory certificates or less, the paper said. The study pointed out that 35 percent of divorced women held no certificates, and said that these women faced great difficulty in life after separation.The study pointed out that the divorce rate was 40 percent in the UAE, but the rate in the rural areas was less than that in cities. It added that the children of divorced parents were the main victims and that the rate of juvenile delinquency among these children was high. This could create a major social problem, it warned. The study urged parents to stand by their marriage agreements under any circumstance even if they did not like it, for the sake of the children – Albawaba. com
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Whenever, Wherever Professor Ramos Blog
Whenever, Wherever What would you do for love? The music artist, Shakira, explained quite clearly what she would do for love. However, she did not just rely on her lyrics, she used several aspects of nature and animals to visually express her wild and dazzling love for her soulmate. â€Å"Whenever, Wherever†is a song by the female artist Shakira and was featured on her album Laundry Service which was released November 13, 2001. The music video to this song starts out with Shakira floating underwater and then she shoots up out of the water and lands on a cliff.  She starts dancing and flaps her arms like a bird then the scene changes to a Falcon flying with mountains in the background. â€Å"The falcon symbolism, after all, speaks about victory, success, and rising above challenging situations†(TrustedPsychicMediums 2019). Shakira’s lyrics â€Å"Lucky you were born that far away so, we could both make fun of distance†could mean the falcon represents rising above the cha llenge of long distance relationships and how love makes us feel victorious as if we are untouchable. It could represent the feeling you have when you find your soulmate, how it feels like you are flying. The scene changes back to Shakira dancing on the edge of a cliff with the waves crashing against the cliff behind her. â€Å"The high, crashing waves represent overwhelming emotions†(Entropy). When Shakira sings â€Å"Never could imagine there were only ten million ways to love somebody†, The crashing waves in this scene could represent the intense love that is felt between Shakira and her soulmate. Also, since she is on the edge of a cliff happily dancing can be interpreted as her knowing that this could end badly but she will enjoy that rush and thrill that comes with her newfound love. In the next scene Shakira is in the desert and is dancing and it is kicking up dust. â€Å"The desert is free of confusion; there is no doubt. Because they are wide, open vistas without covering vegetation†(Symbolism: The Desert).  Shakiras lyrics â€Å"Whenever, wherever, were meant to be together, Ill be there and youll be near, And thats the deal my dear, there over, hereunder, youll never have to wonder, we can always play by ear, but thats the deal my dear†and the inclusion of the desert could mean that she has no doubts about what she will do for love. She realizes there are a lot of obstacles she and her soulmate face, but the desert represents her clarity and resolve when it comes to deciding to pursue this relationship.  Out of the cloud of dust comes a stampede of black horses that run around Shakira while she dances happily amongst them. â€Å"A horse might symbolize freedom, energy, strength, endurance, stamina, power, but also hard work. It mi ght signify male sexual energy and masculinity. Running horses symbolize freedom and release of repressed energy†(Dreams About Horses – Meaning and Interpretation). This could be taken as Shakira is surrounded by freedom and this new love may have the stamina and endurance that could last for the long haul. With it being a new love and new relationship, it could include that there is a lot of great sex going on†¦good for them. The sun is still shining through the dust cloud behind Shakira. â€Å"The sun has been a symbol of power, growth, health, passion and the cycle of life†(â€Å"What Does the Sun Symbolize?†). The sun itself does provide nourishment, most plants need sunlight to grow and thrive, all humans need sunlight for vitamin D. The sun provides warmth and light. In this scene perhaps the sun represents the passion and warmth from this relationship that Shakira is singing about. In the Scene after that Shakira is crawling through a large puddle of mud. â€Å"In general, mud symbolizes responsibilities and troubles we have to take care of†(â€Å"Dreams About Mud – Interpretation and meaning). Shakira sings â€Å"Lucky I have strong legs like my mother, To run for cover when I need it.†Here, I believe Shakira is recognizing that there may be obstacles and she is ready and willing to work through them. When she sings â€Å"and these two eyes that are for no other, The day you leave will cry a river, At your feet, Im at your feet†I believe she is being vulnerable and honest about the heartbreak she will feel if and when this new relationship comes to an end. Shakira starts dancing and it appears to cause an earthquake because dirt shoots up from the ground when she dances. This could mean that she will conquer any challenges that come her way. In the next scene, Shakira is on top of a snowy mountain dancing. â€Å"Because snow covers everything and changes a familiar landscape into something new, it can be associated with transformation†(What Does Snow Symbolize?). This last scene shoots back and forth from the desert scene where she is dancing with the sun behind her giving her a golden glow to the snowy mountain top. At the end of the music video, her last lyrics are â€Å"There over, hereunder. Youve got me head over heels Theres nothing left to fear, If you really feel the way I feel†then she jumps from the snowy mountain top and dives head first into the deep, vast ocean. â€Å"The ocean is the beginning of life on Earth, and symbolizes formlessness, the unfathomable, and chaos. The ocean can also be a symbol of stability, as it can exist largely unchanged for centuries. The ocean is boundless, a place where one can easily be lost, and can therefore be seen to represent the boundless span of life , and the way one can get lost on the journey through life†(Ocean).  Whenever two people start dating there is always some level of apprehension. It can be terrifying to let your guard down and let yourself be vulnerable with another person. In this last part of the music video, Shakira diving headfirst into the ocean, diving headfirst into the unknown, speaks volumes to anyone who has ever loved and lost. Perhaps she is being careless with her heart but she did acknowledge the possibility of having her heart broken with her lyrics â€Å"these two eyes that are for no other, The day you leave will cry a river, At your feet, Im at your feet†. Stating that, Shakira has weighed the pros and cons of this commitment and she has decided that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. The idea of heartbreak is the reason for the guard people keep up, it’s the reason for the apprehension. By using several wonders of earth, she illustrated the warmth, freedom, passion, fearlessness and transformation that one goes t hrough when they feel they have found their soulmate. Works Cited â€Å"Dreams About Horses – Meaning and Interpretation.†My Dream Symbolism, â€Å"Dreams About Mud – Interpretation and Meaning.†Dreaming and Sleeping, Entropy, Low. â€Å"Symbolism: The Ocean.†Symbolism: The Ocean, Google Search, Google,, whereveroq=wheneaqs=chrome.1.69i57j69i59j69i61.2811j0j7sourceid=chromeie=UTF-8. Mebarak, Shakira. â€Å"Shakira Whenever, Wherever (Official Music Video).†YouTube, YouTube, 3 Oct. 2009, Ocean, â€Å"Symbolism: The Desert.†FLOURISH EDITING, TrustedPsychicMediums. â€Å"The Falcon Spirit Animal A Complete Guide to Meaning and Symbolism.†Trusted Psychic Mediums, 27 Feb. 2019, â€Å"What Does Snow Symbolize?†Reference, IAC Publishing, â€Å"What Does the Sun Symbolize?†Reference, IAC Publishing, â€Å"Whenever, Wherever Shakira: Song Info.†AllMusic,
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Tactical mistake - Emphasis
Tactical mistake Tactical mistake Weve all done it: accidentally substituted a similar-sounding but actually entirely different word for the one we meant to write. And while no-one wants to be the person who does it (it could seriously undermine your credibility), for humours sake, were probably all secretly glad it happens occasionally. Take one of the features of a 9 LED Eurohike aluminium torch (offered at an unmissable price with a recent purchase at Millets). Listed between heavy duty aluminium construction and 3 x AAA batteries included we find tactical on/off switch. Now that sounds fancy, doesnt it? But really, whenever any of us make that strategic reach for the on/off switch, with the cunning plan of being able to see where we are going, arent we all tacticians in our own right? Or could this simple, moulded, soft-rubber switch actually be better described as tactile? But then, this is a dangerous game to start.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
How business work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
How business work - Assignment Example Secondly, one must appoint the corporate initial directors and then go ahead to pay a filing fee that varies from $100 to $800 after compiling the â€Å"articles of incorporation†(lifford and Ralph 35). Forming a corporation also requires those involved to create the corporate â€Å"by –laws†that help set forth the working regulations of the corporation. After that, holding the first board of director’s meeting is a requirement, which is followed by issuing of stock certificates to shareholders and finally obtaining permits and licenses required for the corporate to start. The articles of incorporation require information such as the name of the corporation, at times the names of the directors, and the principle office of the corporation. In some states such as Delaware and Connecticut, people refer to it as the certificate of incorporation while other states also use different names. It appears that, every state in the US has its corporate income tax rate. For instance, Ohio’s corporate income tax rate is 0.26 percent of every individual’s gross revenue commonly referred to as the Commercial Activity Tax (CAT) (51). The corporate fees and taxes for states differ from one another. My state’s corporate taxes and fees differ from others in terms of the gross revenue. Some states have a minimum payment of $150 per entity even of the fact that it is either a Corporation or a
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Criminal Cases in Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Criminal Cases in Healthcare - Essay Example The identified case for review is available from The New York Times. Flegenheimer authored the article that was published on 25 May 2012. In the case, a patient called Martin was awarded 120 million dollars as compensation for brain damage caused by negligence among healthcare personnel. The identified liability was proportionately shared among five parties, Jacobi Medical Centre, Kings County Hospital Centre, Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Centre, healthcare personnel and the plaintiff (Flegenheimer, 2012, p. 1). Facts of the case identify mismanagement of the patient’s treatment at the different hospitals where she sought medical attention because of seizure. The allegedly improper care led to health complications including Martin’s brain damage and adverse skin complication (Flegenheimer, 2012). The scope of the case identifies professional malpractice – negligence – among the involved care personnel with a limited scope of contributory negligence from the plaintiff. Based on the essentials of a contract, as implied by a physician-patient relationship, healthcare personnel and a care organization, by vicarious liability, have legal obligations to handle a patient with uttermost care that is reasonable within the professional practice. Failure to observe such care identifies criminal and civil negligence (Witt, 2006). Martin’s position as a patient at the care facilities and her subsequent injuries satisfy the legal essentials of negligence that includes existence of a duty of care, breach of that duty and a subsequent loss due to the breach (Madden, 2003). Contributory negligence, however, partially shifts liability to the patient (Lunenburg & Ornstein, 2007). The doctrine of negligence and contributory negligence implies liability on both the defendant and the plaintiff for failing to take due care in managing the plaintiff’s conditions. The care
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3
Organizational Behavior - Essay Example Thus, some biased individuals cannot perform at the highest level, because of their own prejudices. Actually, biases are too powerful triggers of negative energy and emotions. Moreover, employees can be exposed to biases of the managers and employers. In the result of this type of biased context and relations, qualified people can be excluded from their future successful careers or effective performance at work. There are two main categories of biased people. The first group holds a stronger implicit bias and another group of people are less biased. It is possible to differentiate and claim that there are 2 main types of biases: a counter intentional and unconscious bias. In accordance with this classification, even the person with good intentions, reputation and many other positive traits can let his biased ideas and intentions go. Managers are responsible for prevention of biases. For example, they can motivate an employee's performance, involve a superior character of employee's d evelopments and cooperate with employees effectively at different levels. There is a famous case Thomas v. Kodak where an implicit bias was identified. The court claimed that they identified "subjective evaluations which could easily mask covert or unconscious race discrimination" (Banaji, Bazerman & Chugh, 2003). In this case we can consider a corporate liability and creation of a stable basis for prevention of potential biases in the future. One of possible ways out of dealing with biases is the Implicit Association Test. A person can reveal his hidden biased beliefs if he passes this type of test. For example, he can think about association triggered in his head, when he looks at the words connected with images of different people. Data obtained in the result of tests processed... This paper stresses that cognitive loading implies a large number of ethical issues concerning the use of the faking warning. Whether it is a breach of professional ethics or not is a challenging question. Personal issues should be considered and biases can be revealed in the process of test's application. On the basis of obtained results, it is possible for the managers of the organization to define levels of biases classification. However, it is possible to introduce a certain degree of coaching in the Company and conduct further research on various biases. In other words, even if the cases of biases in the organization are identified, it is possible to develop possible strategies to deal with them. It can be claimed that not always application of Item Response Theory may be helpful in identifying biased persons who provided faked answers. In the majority of cases, IRT is based on a mathematical model and the relationship between test-takers' levels on the personality trait being m easured and their ability to choose different types of response of a certain personality test item. This report makes a conclusion that biased prejudices exist in the modern organizations. The basic sources of prejudices and biases are racism and sexism. A person can be biased either intentionally or not. It is relevant to identify a biased nature of a potential employee to foster the organization's progress. Modern society and media pervert moral judgments of people and there is no one to be blamed for biases, but only people. We have developed the world we live in. We have created conditions for biases development and it is on our behalf to deal with social prejudices biases.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What Is Syariah Law By Meaning Philosophy Essay
What Is Syariah Law By Meaning Philosophy Essay The term Sharia itself derives from the verb sharaa, which according to Abdul Mannan Omars Dictionary of the Holy Quran connects to the idea of spiritual law and system ofdivine law; way of belief and practice (45:18) in the Quran. Definition of Sharia law. Sharia (Arabic: Ø ©ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¹Ãƒâ„¢Ã… Ø ±ÃƒËœÃ‚ ´ ; also SharÄ «ah, Sharia, Shariahor Syariah) is the Arabic word for Islamic law, also known as the Law of Allah. The word sharia mean the right path, refers to traditional Islamic law. The Sharia comes from the Koran, the sacred book of Islam, which Muslims consider the actual word of God. The Sharia also stems from the Prophet Muhammads teachings and interpretations of those teachings by certain Muslim legal scholars. Muslims believe that Allah (God) revealed his true will to Muhammad, who then passed on Allahs commands to humans in the Koran. Islam classically draws no distinction between religious, and secular life. Hence Sharia covers not only religious rituals, but many aspects ofday-to-day life, politics, economics, banking, business or contract law, social issues and legal rules, is more than legal system, strictly speaking. Islam is al-deen which is the way of life. Sources of sharia law. Basically the primary sources of sharia law are the Quran, Hadiths or Sunnah which is the sayings, practices, and teachings of the Prophet Mohammed. The secondary sources are ijma, qiyas, ijtihad and istihsan. School of Sharia law No. Schools of sharia law Explanation 1. Hanbali Most conservative school of Shari`a. Used in Saudia Arabia . 2. Maliki Based on the practices of the people of Medina during Muhammads lifetime. 3. Shafii Emphasizes on opinions, companions of the Prophet Muhammad 4. Hanifi Most liberal school, relatively open to some limited modern ideas. WHAT IS HUDUD LAW BY MEANING? Etymology. It means limits, or forbidden and also as definition. The root word is derived from the Arabic hadd. Literally hudud (Arabic, also transliterated hadud, hudood; singular hadd, Ø Ø ¯, literal meaning limit, or restriction) is the word often used in Islamic literature for the bounds of acceptable behaviour and the punishments for serious crimes. Definition of hudud. In Islamic law or Sharia, hudud usually refers to the class of punishments that are fixed for certain crimes that are considered to be claims of God. They include theft, fornication and adultery (zina), consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants (khamr), and apostasy. According to Islamic dictionary hudu law is define as muslim law: divine punishments; the category of crimes most egregious and therefore most severely punished. Sharia is an Arabic word meaning the right path. Crimes in Islam Crimes under Islamic Law can be broken down into 3 major categories. Each will be discussed in greater detail with some common law analogies. The three major crime categories in Islamic Law are: Hadd Crimes [plural Hudud] (most serious), Tazir Crimes (least serious), Qisas Crimes (revenge crimes restitution). Hudud crimes. Hadd crimes are those which are punishable by a pre-established punishment found in the Quran. These most serious of all crimes are found by an exact reference in the Quran to a specific act and a specific punishment for that act. There is no reducing the punishment for a Hadd crime. Hadd crimes have no minimum or maximum punishments attached to them. The punishment system is comparable to the determinate sentence imposed by some judges in the United States. If you commit a crime, you know what your punishment will be. No judge can change or reduce the punishment for these serious crimes. The Hadd crimes are: Murder, Apostasy from Islam (Making war upon Allah and His messengers), Theft, Adultery, Defamation (False accusation of adultery or fornication), Robbery, Alcohol-drinking (any intoxicants) The first four Hadd crimes have a specific punishment in the Quran. The last three crimes are mentioned but no specific punishment is found. Thus the last three crimes, the punishment falls into taazir crimes which the punishment is declared by the government. Punishments under hudud law. Hudud punishments are the severe penalities prescribed by sharia for offenses defined as being against God himself. The punishments for these crimes are seen as divinely ordained and cannot be changed by humans. Methods of Execution HOW SYARIAH AND HUDUD LAW APPLIED IN MALAYSIA? According to Islam, a state which use holy quran and prophets tradition as its state constitution and the law that govern the people is an Islamic law is an Islamic state. The rulers also must be elected from muslim members in their community. Article 3 of the Federal Constitution stated that Islam is the religion of the Federation. But as such stated in Article 11 of the Federal Constitution is that every person have the right to profess and practice their own religion and subject to Clause 4, to propagate it. Article 3 merely declares that Islam is the official religion of the federation. It does not declare as does Constitution of Pakistan that the federation is an Islamic state. In Malaysia, although sharia law is applicable to all Muslim, but it only deals with family law and the division of property. Not all chambers of sharia law is applied in Malaysia. Basically for crime, the punishment is laid down in Penal Code. Recently, the government of Kelantan express their intention to impose hudud law in Malaysia while the other opposition side refuse to, especially DAP which their members all are non-muslim and Parti Keadilan Rakyat. Taking into consideration how you wanted to govern the people which are not muslim and didnt have faith in it, to follow its rules? As rational human beings, naturally we understand that in life there is such a thing as limits to whatever we can do or experience in all that takes place upon ourselves or others for the matter. No matter what particular matter or issue that we want to dwell upon or commit, we know that the law of nature always prevails over us or any circumstances. How much can we eat? How much can we drink? How much can we carry? How fast can we go? How long do we want to live? There are just so many things that we can keep asking each and everyone of you reading this and almost always you will agree with me that there is only a certain amount of things or eventualities that can take place. History is the best teacher of us all where it concerns matters that mankind are so desperately after? Power, strength, youth, beauty, libido, masculinity, femininity, authority, wealth, all the spoils of this earthly life that one can imagine and crave for? Reflect back to our coming into being. From a embryo after being conceived by our mother as a result of the physical union of our parents, we develop from stage to stage and eventually become a fully formed human baby in our mothers womb and at the appropriate time and moment decided by Allah the Almighty, we are born and delivered into this earthly realm. If we had stayed any longer in our mothers womb, there might be a danger both to our mother and to us as an infant ready to come out into this world. There is a certain limit to pregnancy. Thats a form of hadd or limit. Coming back to the main gist of this posting, we now have to understand what the Hudud in Islam means? As stated above, the ulama of Fiqh define hudud to be a Code of Punishments to be implemented by the authorities in an Islamic nation upon criminal acts carried out by the offenders who are proven without a doubt to be guilty of such crimes and upon conviction be punished as decreed by the Almighty. It is tosaid that if hudud law will be enacted in Malaysia, some of the execution must be recheck and change to suit the society now. As such, there is no provision for any punishments decreed by Allah SWT to be reduced, added on or altered by Mankind. The Hudud is Allahs Rights upon us Mankind. Criminal punishments upon those found to be guilty according to the Hudud Laws can not be dropped against the criminal or criminals by any individual or society as a whole. The Hudud Laws are meant to be a safeguard from the Almighty to protect human society from all forms of crime and to preserve peace, social orderliness and to ensure the safety of the general public. Any form of wrongdoing committed by any individual or group is to be judged according to what has been laid down in the Supreme Constitution of Allah SWT in the form of the Holy Al Quran Al Karim and as per the Hadiths of His Greatest and Final Messenger to all Mankind, the Blessed Prophet Muhammad S.W.T. Part A ( Chart Research ) SUGGESTION TO IMPLEMENT THESE LAWS ONTO NON-MUSLIMS. There is suggestion to implement these laws onto non-muslims, but, question arise whether this is workable? Our group had divided into three categories during our research and analysis on this suggestion where we suggested to divide the opinion to the basic of 3 findings, which consist most general(society Malaysia), less general(MMU student), and specific(lecturer and legal expertise). First category is on the views given by society in Malaysia. CHART 1 : MALAYSIAN CITIZENS VOTES ( Based on Poll Opinion on Internet ) The second category is according to the societies votes in Malaysia included those non-Malaysians who lived in Malaysia. Chart 2 : MMU Votes According the chart above, which derived from the poll, survey and interviews that made by our group. There were 30% of Muslims in Malaysia totally disagreed to implement these laws in Malaysia, and, 10% of them agreed to implement it in Malaysia, 2% of them were neutral positions. While, for the votes given by non-Muslims in Malaysia, there were 35% disagreed and none of them vote for agree or neutral. On the other hand, Muslims but not citizens of Malaysian gave 5% agreed and 5% disagreed towards the suggestion but none of them give votes for neutral. Lastly, the non-Muslims for those who are not the citizens of Malaysia, totally disagreed by giving 15% of the votes. It can be conclude that 85% of the Malaysian citizens totally disagreed on the suggestion to implement these laws onto non-Muslims. Some of them said that there will be no equality and justice to those who has no beliefs in the religions. Not only that, there is also some sayings that the law is too excessive and strict to adapt in current society. There will be difficulties and challenges that government and society will face if they impose the law. LECTURER`S VIEW CHART 1 : Lecturer view`s and opinion`s In this chart, we can see that among 9 lecturers that had been interviewed, there were 5 lecturers that totally disagreed of the suggestion to implement these laws onto non-Muslims. One of them is Miss Nur Fazini Asro Binti Ramizi Sulaiman, which in her opinion, she said that As for me, the suggestion to implement hudud law to non -Muslims is unreasonable. This is because if it is to be look upon the legal perspectives itself, the Syariah law only has the jurisdiction within the matter of MUSLIMS only. The interpretation in the statute itself has define, who are to be governed within this kind of law. For an example, a non-Muslim cannot become a syariee law, only a Muslim can be a syariee law, same goes to the syariah law (implementation only to Muslim). Thus it may be seem to complicated if arguments, suggesting hudud law are to be implement to non-Muslims. Not only that, Dr. Mohamed Ishak Bin Abdul Hamid also stated in his opinion that Hudud law ,is created only to govern the one who are professing the religion of Islam, and as for non-Muslims , it shall be unfair for them, for hudud law to be impose on them , due to their lack of knowledge, pertaining on Hudud law. On the other hand, the other 4 lecturers were in neutral opinions. Neither agreed nor disagreed. According to Sir Gary Ng Kit Min, If it to be look upon to in this matter, it may be divided into 2 aspect which is, in religion perspectives and the legal system perspectives. If in religion perspectives, the syariah law, should be apply to muslim only, not to non-muslim ,but if in legal perspectives, if the parliament passed a law, that which provides that the syariah law shall be the supremacy law in the country, thus the citizens (Muslim and non) cannot do anything except to accept it as the law of the country. As for Sir Jeong CP, have a different view pertaining on this matter, the religion is not wrong, if the question to be arose, such issues. Every religion have its own way in culturing of the individual who professing the religion itself, It its to be look in more liberal way, the religion is never wrong, it is one who are professing the religion are to be blamed for not giving the detail reason for his or her act. For an example, if it`s to be look in one principle of a car and a driver, the driver drive a car later caught into accident, who`s to be blame? The car or the driver.? The car is never to be blamed, as it had given, its fullest performance, well as for the driver? it may be the driver fault, maybe he was negligence when driving the car . Same goes to the religion, if there`s any defect, mischief or any mistake occurs to the society due to action done by an individual who professing such religion, it for them ( the individual ) to be blamed, as he or she has been negligence. The Al-Quran had put such many various way, to protect the maslahah (life in word and hereafter ) of individual, and any action done by an individual must have the sebabasbab ( reason ) .The society have been much liberal nowdays, any action done, must come with justifications and reason. Then the society may somehow be much open minded to receive any law to govern them, to develop a better society. Part B ( Articles and Newspaper Reviews ) ARTICLES SUMMARY [Hudud Law being applied in Terengganu, Malaysia] [1] As being shown in the article itself, Hudud Bill was being drafted by the Terengganu State Government and it constitutes a gross violation of the principles of justice and equality in Islam. Its being said that under this Hudud Bill, women who reported to been raped if being unable to provide evidence for the said statement, will be charged for slanderous accusation and 80 lashes; an unmarried woman who gets pregnant is assumed to have committed zina, [2] even if she has been raped; also a women cannot be taken as a witness for a case. The question arise here would be, how is this constitutional in the eyes of the law? In Malaysia we have a supreme law which is the Federal Constitution (FC) and under the FC, it provides equality section which made all persons equal before the law and entitle to an equal protection of law. The Hudud however, contradicts with the provision of the FC as it mentioned no discrimination shall occur in favor of any person under Art.8 of the FC [3]à ‚ . It is important to note that all criticisms of Islam and its defense mainly rotate around its approach to women rights. Theres many criticism as to why Hudud shouldnt be applied in Malaysia, but the criticism is primarily focused on the stringent requirements of four reputable witnesses for offences such as adultery and qazaf [4] which according to them makes conviction for the abovecrime almost impossible.The evidence that could support the charge of adultery are the confession of either orboth the accused persons and/or eyewitness testimony made by four males, who are of justifiable and credible character. Anything else is merely circumstantial evidence and not admissible in a hadd prosecution. [5] Going back to the article itself again, question to be asked would be whether it would be unjust for the law to come out with a punishment of flogging 80 lashes if a clear proof of the rape committed couldnt be shown? The answer itself, lies under Art.8 of the FC as in the ca se of PP v DatukHarun bin Haji Idris [6] , where Suffian LP laid down the principle stating that if a law itself is discriminatory, one should see whether it falls within the exceptions allowed by the FC and if its not, it cant be said as a good law. As the situation laid down here, if we insist to apply Hudud into the Malaysian Legal System, even to the non-Muslim, it would definitely be unjust and contradicts with our Constitution as it is not obeying the provisions laid under Art.8 of the FC, which the equality of all before the law. Tun Dr. Mahathir, our ex-PM commented at the Hududs condition on rape offence, whereby four witnesses are required to convict a perpetrator, that today we have the modern equivalent tool of DNA. You can collect evidence of rape through collecting DNA samples and compare them with the offender.In Islam, the most important thing is justice. When you judge, you must make sure justice has been served. If you judge knowing clearly that this is unjust, then I think it is un-Islamic, he said. [7] And not to forget, Art.11 of the FC is interpreted itself to mean freedom of religion and therefore it is supposed to be a guarantee against prosecution on the basis of choice of religion thats being propagated. As for the effect of the Hudud on the gender relations if its being applied in Malaysia, there are many provisions in the Hudud discriminate against women. Women will not be accepted as witnesses and women are also most likely to be prosecuted for slander if they are not able to prove rape, which contradicts which our current provision of the Constitution. While in cases of adultery women which becomes pregnant will immediately be charged for the offence while it will be impossible to charge the male partner because of the requirement of four male Muslim witnesses. Evidence for rape is ocular evidence of four adult male witnesses or confession of the accused. The victims own statement has no testimonial value. Even if medical examination is taken and a sexual act has been proved to have taken place, the accused can still be acquitted. The woman is then convicted of zina. The onus is upon the victim to prove that she was not a consenting party to her rape. Even minors can be convicted of zina, unlike what is provided in the existing penal code, where consent of a minor is immaterial and statutory rape is applicable. All of these will then be causing gender discrimination in our country and the equality provision under the Constitution will therefore become unreliable under the provision of the Hudud if being applied here, in our country. ARTICLES SUMMARY [Hudud Law being applied in Saudi Arabia] Traditional Islamic law has become the basis for criminal law systems in Islamic countries. The most notable example of this is Saudi Arabia, where the Quran and Sunnah form the basis for the government and the legal system. Political Background Article 1 of the Constitution states that: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic state with Islam as its religion; Gods Book and the Sunnah of His Prophet, Gods prayers and peace be upon him, are its constitution, Arabic is its language and Riyadh is its capital [8] The legal system is, therefore, based on the divine revelation, rather than judicial decisions or written law. Article 38 of the Saudi Constitution sets forth that : (i)There shall be no crime or penalty except in accordance with a Shariah or organizational law. (ii)There shall be no punishment except for acts committed subsequent to the coming into force of the organizational law. This indicates that crimes and their penalties must be specifically set forth before punishments may be imposed. The Saudi Constitution also provides that the state protects human rights in accordance with the Islamic Shariah [9] . Legal System Saudi Arabian courts follow the Hanbali school. A judge in Saudi Arabia is called a qadi and must be trained as a scholar and a great follower of Islam [10] . There are three levels of courts. Mustajalah courts are the local courts and do not have jurisdiction over any case that could result in death. The High Courts of Sharia Law, or kubra, have jurisdiction over hudud and qisas crimes. Although usually only one qadi sits on each court, the hearing of a crime that would result in execution is heard by a panel of three judges. The three qadi conduct the investigation, examine witnesses, and issue a verdict. A defendant sentenced to death in a kubra court has a right of appeal to the Court of Cassation, and the case is heard by a five-qadi panel. During this review, the court does not examine the law or facts, but merely ensures that the judge has paid sufficient attention to the point of objection [11] . The Supreme Judicial Council reviews all death penalty cases. The Ki ng has final review. For death penalty cases for hudud crimes, the only review is of guilt; the penalty cannot be changed [12] . Population Saudi Arabia is the largest Muslim country of the world. It has an estimated population of 28 million. Saudi Arabia is a Kingdom and about 8 million people are migrants from different countries of the world. Saudi Arabia is the center of Muslims as the mousoleum of Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is in this country. According to The Future of the Global Muslim Population by Pew Research Center [13] , Saudi Arabia have about 25,493,000 estimated number of muslims population in 2010, which brings to approximately 97.1% of its citizen is a muslim. Thats about 1.6% of the muslim population as a whole. Educational System According to Robert Sedgwick [14] , education in Saudi Arabia is segregated by sex and divided into three separately administered systems: general education for boys, education for girls and traditional Islamic education (for boys). The religious secondary school curriculum includes the general academic secondary school curriculum but focuses primarily on Islamic and Arabic studies. Where memorization of the Quran, interpretation and understanding of the Quran (Tafsir) are stressed. Newspaper review ANALYSIS BETWEEN MALAYSIA AND SAUDI ARABIA Well it come to our understanding, on the paper based on its facts, analysis and others, we might able to implement this kind of law to both in Malaysia. But the question arose, whether when the government tries to implement this kind of law to both, would It be a total satisfaction to all who professing other religions? Indeed based on the analysis in Saudi Arabia country, it much obvious to see, hudud and syariah law, have well indeed, governed its government and society, whether in education, society, politics and legal system. But it come to much argument though, well if it is to be look upon the society of Saudi Arabia itself, Saudi Arabia is the largest Muslim country of the world. It has an estimated population of 28 millionapproximately 97.1% of its citizen, is a muslim. Thats about 1.6% of the muslims population as a whole. Differently in Malaysia which consist a multi-race society, which professing other religion instead of Islam itself. It would be easy to implement to Saudi Arabia, where its citizens, almost 97% professing the religion of Islam, while in Malaysia at least 30% of its citizens, professing the religion of Islam. Further to be illustrated that, as to be seen in respect of Education matters in Saudi Arabia, the government itself have well emphasized the society with primarily on Islamic and Arabic studies where the government of Saudi Arabia divided the system of education, into three parts which is education for boys, education for girls and traditional Islamic education (for boys), since their childhood. Differently, in Malaysia, it seems that the government itself does not really emphasizes the teaching of Islam (like fardhu ain) to the citizens, where the general education are ought to be champ. To be concluded, if one argument arose that the hudud law are ought to be implemented in Malaysia, first aspect to be considered is, the government of Malaysia itself may need to take a reconsideration to send a few people of ulama to have an emphasize knowledge of hudud and syariah law in any other Islamic country for example Saudi Arabia. As far to be concern, Malaysia have none who is really have such a perfect detail knowledge of any arguments pertaining to hudud law itself. Differently in Saudi Arabia, it would be easy to implement hududlaw there, as to the reason, there is many ulama who are far concerned, well learned of the syariah and hudud law themselves. THE DIFFICULTIES AND CHALLENGES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HUDUD LAW IN MALAYSIA. Crux of hudud controversy, is the fact that both sides do not understand democracy and do not respect the democratic right of someone to support or oppose what they feel they want to support or oppose. Being a citizen of a democratic country, every citizen has a democratic right to drea about the Hudud and to support it, also to have nightmares about Hudud and oppose it. The implementation of hudud law (or any law for that matter) in Malaysia remains a possibility under democracy. It is not yet implemented because the majority of Malaysians including the Muslims themselves for some reason do not want it. They are simply practicing their democratic right by not giving it their consent. [15] Seen from a broader perspective hudud is not actually the real problem. It is just a form of punishment for a number of crimes mentioned in the Quran. Only criminals and criminals want-to-be, we might say, should be afraid of it. A proper Muslim would never reject hudud per se because he knows that it is a part of Islamic Law and it is a part of Islam. But a proper Muslim also would not allow people who are incompetent to use hudud as their rhetoric just to get into power because they are going to create bigger disaster. Hudud and Islamic law will not appear good and convincing in the hands of those who do not possess adequate moral and intellectual integrity. Hence, this is a matter of giving the trust to the rightful people. Implementing hudud is a big trust and it should not be given to just anybody. If the ability is not yet there, the real responsibility of the Muslims is to get themselves equipped with what it takes to carry out that responsibility. [16] So the real problem is the Muslims themselves who are, as a whole, no longer good Muslims in term of their understanding and practice of Islam so that they are not capable of carrying out their duties and responsibilities as it should be. As such, and as a matter of priority, what they really need today is a proper education that will make them be a good Muslims morally and intellectually. It is true that the criminals among them need to be punished according to Islamic law but that is not going to happen anyway if the majority do not believe in Islamic law or have no confidence in those who want to implement it. So now, the crux of the matter is actually education, only a properly educated human being will be able to use his democratic right wisely. When we talk about the education, the emphasis is on the individuals, not the society, and what matters most is ethics and morality instead of politics and law. Islamic law and political system cannot be conceived nor practiced outside the framework of Islamic ethics and morality because justice actually begins with the self. Even divine law cannot bring justice to the society if it is left in the hand of incompetent and corrupt individuals. A corrupt government can be brought down through the ballot box but it does not guarantee that the new government will be better that the previous one. True reform must ultimately come from a gradual process of education that is properly conceived and implemented. Our politicians, unfortunately, are not really interested in education. Perhaps, due to being poorly educated themselves, they do not see anything greater and more important than power. They think only with power and kind of reform can be done, hence their first concern over anything else is to get into power. [17] Besides that, the Malaysian Bar, stated that the Hudud cannot be implemented within the current constitutional and legislative framework. This is because, the law, as it stands, does not allow for the implementation of hudud by the States.  The Federal Constitution only allows the States to enact laws creating offences by persons professing the religion of Islam, against the precepts of Islam, and the respective punishments for such offences. With respect to the nature of such offences, these offences cannot include matters within the legislative powers of the Federal Government.  Therefore, there can be no replication of any of the offences within any Federal law with a different degree of punishment only for Muslims. Further, these laws, if enacted, must themselves be consistent with fundamental liberties guaranteed to all citizens, including Muslims, under Part II of the Federal Constitution. As to the scope of the punishments for offences against the precepts of Islam, the extent must be conferred by Federal law. The Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 provides that the Syariah Courts in all States shall not exercise jurisdiction in respect of any offence punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding six strokes or with any fine exceeding five thousands ringgit or with whipping exceeding six strokes or with any combination thereof. Hence, the penalties that Syariah Courts can mete out are clearly circumscribed, and do not inclu
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